Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ! He is the way, the truth and the life! He is the alpha and the omega - the beginning and the end of all things! The creator and sustainer, the image of the invisible God! He's the author and finisher of faith, a friend of sinners who is full of compassion, abounding in love, mercy and grace! He's worth everything we have, all of our lives belong to him. He gives and takes away, he's the breath of life and the one who forms mankind from the dust of the earth. This is the One who holds the keys to abundant life. Without him, we can do nothing, but with Him all things are possible. Who are we that he would not only save us, but commission us to take His glorious gospel to the ends of the earth? We are looking for the city, whose maker and builder is God. That's what we live for!
Over the past several months, a lot has happened in our lives. Our ears are attentive to the voice of the Lord. Although, we're not 100% sure of everything he is saying at this point, we feel like we've heard enough that prompts us to make some very important decisions.
As an evangelist, there is one thing that keeps me up at night. There is one thing that occupies my mind throughout the night and throughout the day. It's the thought that millions of people are living on the wide road that leads to destruction. Millions of people are struggling with addictions, have broken families, and are dying everyday with no hope. Our world is in trouble! So many people have never heard the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ! I've had a chance to interact with people all over the world who are working in regions where bibles are a rare commodity, and the gospel is unheard of. Matthew 24:14 says, "And this gospel of the Kingdom must be preached throughout the whole world." It must happen before the end will come.
Our son Noah is 9 years old and the Lord has used him in mighty ways in our life. For example, his favorite bible verse is Romans 10:14-15. "How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Along with the "Great Commission" this scripture is the hallmark of evangelism! The Lord was gracious to give this verse to my 9 year old son. He cherishes this verse so much, he has it engraved on a necklace that he wears around his neck.
While I was praying about this verse, I had a question for the Lord. What is the meaning of "beautiful feet?" I didn't quite get it....But then, I had a revelation. Feet are made for moving, feet transport people, people transport messages, but feet were never made so we can stand in one place. The life of an evangelist is a life of moving, traveling, and literally taking this hope to the ends of the earth!
Recently, Laura and I have been praying about the things the Lord has put before us. There seems to be some open doors for the gospel in other countries. Right now, there are open doors in Migori, a small village near Kenya, Africa. There is an open door for the gospel in Northern India (Himalayan Mountains), South India and even Pakistan. Of course, this causes questions...

I feel like Laura, our family and I are in a place of mending nets right now. For the past 2 years, we have thrown a lot of seed here in upstate NY. We've covered the ground in this region. Many people have heard the gospel, been changed by the gospel and are experiencing the freedom and restoration that comes from the gospel. I believe the church here in this region has been strengthened, the lost have been found and the next generation of "Holy Spirit Filled Evangelist" have sprouted. I believe the fire has been started, now it's time to move to stir up another region and to light another flame.

Also, I believe as the spiritual leader of my home, it's time for me to serve my wife and children in this next season of our lives. Ministry takes a toll on families, period. In order for us to be effective, we have to be a healthy family unit. God is serious about us caring for our families, they are by far the most important ministry he's trusted to our care. When a family is strong, the work they do is effective. If a family is weak, everything else suffers and things unravel quickly. Now, I humbly lay aside my work here in NY to take care of my greater work - loving my family. We will rest, mend our nets and move on to get ready for another catch!
Mending Nets:
We realize that if God is sending us to other countries, we will have to be well prepared. If God is going to give us another catch, our nets must be mended and we must be strong enough for the work ahead.
Right now, God has not released me from my full time occupation, which is very demanding. I spend a lot of time away from home each month, leaving my wife and children at home. Obviously, this creates a lot of extra work for my wife. She home-schools our children, which is also very demanding. Up to this point, we have lead a full time ministry, so when I return from my "tent making" work, I am busy with ministry work. As you can imagine, this is very draining and doesn't allow me to devote adequate time to Laura and the children.
Now imagine, traveling for work 3 weeks per month, running a very demanding ministry here in NY and traveling to other countries to preach the gospel. It's clear that this will not serve my family well. Hopefully, you can see that we have to make some very important decisions.
We've decided that it makes sense to put our house on the market on June 29, 2015. We are looking to move to Charlotte, NC. Most of my customers are in this region and moving to Charlotte will eliminate much of my travel for my full time job. This will allow me to stay close to home throughout the week and care for my family.
Also, I don't believe that God has called me to go into the ends of the earth and leave my wife at home. She is my greatest asset and a real blessing from the hand of the Lord. She's a faithful "helpmate" and there's no one I'd rather have at my side in the dusty harvest fields, than her. This presents another problem...who will care for our kids while we are gone? Well, thank God for Grandparents! In Charlotte, we'll be close enough to receive help from both my family and Laura's family.
Mending nets is an important part of fishing. The nets have to be strong enough to hold the catch and as we know the catch is plentiful. In the meantime, we will begin mending the nets while we're here in NY by focusing on our family. We'll continue to be a part of the work that's happening here, until God opens the door for us to leave.
We hope our time here in NY has served to advance the Kingdom of God! We've learned many lessons here, we've come to know God in ways we haven't thus far. Most importantly, we've seen lives forever changed and that our work was not in vain!
Jude 1:25 "To the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen."
Together in the harvest,
The Foster's
Great call, Jimmy. Very wise.