ACWOW 11/10/12
I wish I could write in the true inspiration of the Holy Spirit so that I could relay the power of God I saw working through the hands and prayers of His people last night on 19th street.
I wish I could write so eloquently that you yourself could
taste the homemade shepherd’s pie, and apple crisp that was made in Debbie
& Laura’s kitchens and served to those who have no kitchen to cook in.
Words cannot express the joy felt by those receiving a truly homemade meal at
the hands of friends who love them.
I wish I could express the significance of a Muslim man worshiping the savior after hearing a simple message of God’s mercy expressed through His Son, Jesus the Christ.
I wish I could explain what it is like to have a Jehova’s
Witness respond to the Word of God and the powerful love being shown week after
week in the streets of Norfolk .
But alas, my words cannot convey the beauty of the Savior expressed through the
loving hands of His little children.
How great it would be if on my keyboard I could take you on
an emergency ride to Walmart to get a blanket for a man who was shivering from
cold. If only my words could take you on the trip to hear the prayer in Walmart
asking for wisdom on which of the 3 blankets would best serve this one that
Jesus loves, only to be told to take all three and to not withhold from those
in need… If only my words could convey the humbling of my heart when two more
people, not knowing that we had blankets, ask if we might have a blanket for
It would be my desire to write so powerfully, that you would
feel the healing power of the Holy Spirit course through your body like those
who stepped forward for healing prayer witnessed last night as we gathered
around those who desired a healing touch and to be known by God.
Could it be that my words could show you those who remain
trapped in the lie of alcohol, or drugs. Who stand so deceived that only the
love of Christ could possibly reach down into their hearts and save them from
certain destruction.
How I desire to be able to write in such a way as to convey
the love of God shown so tenderly to these hurt and suffering people.
We love all that God is doing! Praise God for the Muslim man to see the Savior! Praise God for all that are involved in this ministry, reaching a lost and dying world for Jesus Christ! God bless you. Love, Judy and Art Yatarola