A Church Without Walls (10-14-12)
A week ago at least 8 people surrendered their lives to the Lord on 19th Street as we ministered to those of us who have no house to live in. How could anything get any better than that I wondered – but I had not rightly considered our glorious God who does amazingly, powerfully, beautifully beyond all that I can hope or imagine.
Last night there was a special anointing on the servants of Christ who came to minister to those in need of love and compassion. We served homemade chili on rice, cornbread, and brownies. We had sodas and water and the people lined up, lots of people lined up for the hot food that was served not to needy people, but to our friends, to our family – to those God loves so dearly.
The anointing fell as it seemed that everyone seemed to be able to easily enter into conversation, like old friends coming to share time with one another. I met a man just out of prison, a welder by trade. Like so many others drugs led him to the streets, to despair. He was so grateful for the hot food.
A couple helped us give a handful of brand new winter coats out; first to the ladies, then to those who had no jacket at all. Everyone was blessed with a brand new knit cap. The nights are cold now and these brothers and sisters of ours – of yours – were so grateful.
Patrick was blessed to tell me the story of how cold he was the other night. “No one believes it,” said he, “but all I had was a sheet to keep me warm, so I prayed and that sheet heated up and kept me warm all night long.” I told him that I believed him because God is so good, and he hears our prayers.

Jeremy shared a powerful word about giving everything over to the Lord. It was cool because the people gathered around tonight, anticipating the Word, they were hungry to hear about the love of God – I think more hungry than they were for the food; God is working in our hearts on 19th Street .
Jeremy shared his testimony of God’s faithfulness, about being transformed, about becoming a new creation. He talked about how pale everything in the world was after Christ changed him. The things he once craved, valued, and pursued he now saw as they were – he considered all those things as trash compared to knowing Christ.
Then Shaun shared a parable-like story about God and His Angels who had come to let Him know what they needed. One was overseeing people who were asking for food and the food pantry was almost empty and God in His goodness opened a door for the food to be provided. Another Angel was overseeing people who were asking for clothing and again the Lord graciously provided the clothing they asked for. The Lord went down the line fulfilling request after request until He came to the last Angel who didn’t know what to ask for because the person he was overseeing on the earth had recently come to the Lord and just kept saying, “thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord.” God said to the last Angel, “Give him everything.”
That really summed up the night. Jimmy recounted God’s faithfulness reminding us of people from 19th Street who have been blessed, some of whom are now off the streets, others who are now reunited with family, some who have been given new hope. Then he led us all – our entire family – in a prayer of thanksgiving; it was powerful.
As we closed a few folks told us it was Bernard’s birthday. 40 some people on the streets joined voices and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ right there on the 19th street. It was beautiful. God is glorious. His people are amazing people.
I am so grateful for those who made the dinner, those who served the food, those who gave out the coats and hats, those who shared their gift of music, those who prayed with others, those who dared to preach God’s Word, those who handed out drinks, those who fixed bikes, those who gave hugs, those who shared in the anguish of others.
I am grateful for those who God has obviously made a new creation and are indeed in and of themselves ‘A Church Without Walls.’
God provides EVERY week! He is faithful!
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