Greetings Friends,
The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice! Great is his faithfulness! Rejoice in the Lord always, I say it again rejoice! He is the author and the finisher of our faith! The holy one! The worthy one! The risen one! The one who takes away the sins of the world! Who is like the Lord, our great God? Who can compare to this mighty one? Who can understand the depths of his love and his mercy? The earth is the Lord's and everything in it belongs to him! He makes all things new! A bruised reed he will not break, a smoldering wick he will not snuff out! Lift up your head, O you gates; be lifted up you ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in! Who is this King of Glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. The one who restores! The good Shepard! The one who leads us beside still waters and quiets our soul with his love. His name is Jesus Christ! Our God and our King!
This is the message we brought to W. 19th street tonight. Many received the word with attentive ears and open hearts. We prayed for many people, laying hands on the sick, praying for those who are suffering, declaring God's promises over their lives, tearing down strongholds, wrecking the works of darkness by the power of His word!
Several weeks ago, as I was seeking direction from the Lord, as to what he would have me say to these men and women who have been lied to for so many years by the enemy. I heard him say to me, "Show them who I am, show them how different I am" Each week, I read John 3:16-17 before I preach to those who sit before me. I hone in on the part that says, "He did not come to condemn the world, but to save the world." I've showed them how Jesus responded to the woman of Samaria at the well (John 4), the woman caught in adultery (John 8), the man who laid at the pool for 38 years (John 5) and this week I shared about the raising of Lazarus (John 11). I've drawn their attention to how different He is from any other. His love is real, his patience is rich and His mercy is unfailing. There is none like him in all the earth!
The testimony of a prophetic word:
A few weeks ago, as I was praying for Clifton - a man who the Lord is changing by His grace - the Lord gave me a prophetic word for Him. Here's the word..."Go home to your family as the Lord is mending relationships, even now. Go and sin no more!" I received this word as I was praying for Him. At the time, I wasn't sure of his relationship status, but I wanted to be faithful to what the Lord was saying, so I delivered the word to him as I was praying.
Many of you know, that last week, I went to pick Clifton up to take him to the ROC (Richmond Outreach Center). When I arrived downtown - around 3:30 - he wasn't there. I was sad in the moment, because I felt like Clifton was ready to check into the discipleship home and begin to grow in his relationship with the Lord. When I asked the others where he might be, they said they saw him getting into a black vehicle earlier that day. I later found out that the person driving the black vehicle was his wife, who he has been separated from, for the past several months.
Last night, I saw Clifton and he told me that when I gave him the prophetic word a few weeks ago, he called his wife. Although, she didn't answer at first, she did call him back and she came to pick him up to spend the day with him. He's been talking to her on the phone regularly and occasionally she'll come pick him up. The Lord knew how to instruct Clifton, even though I thought he was supposed to go to the ROC.
The Lord provides:

Steve, Aaron and Jon couldn't be there tonight, so it was me, Jeremy, David, Nick, Rebekah and Noah. Jeremy and Rebekah were playing guitar and singing over them, so it was David, Nick and I who were available to pray. The onlookers took their rightful place as they laid hands on people to pray for them. How awesome is the hand of the Lord our God!
When we were done praying, I approached this elderly couple to introduce myself. They said they would like to join us on Saturday nights. This is the exact vision of "A Church Without Walls." We exist to break down the denominational barriers that exist in our day and age and to see the bride of the Lord working together in perfect unity. (John 17) We desire to see people break away from the pew and step out into the works of service that have been prepared for each of us. We are all ministers of the gospel and we've been commissioned to go!
Great is thy faithfulness:
Last week, I was getting a little nervous as we only had $54 in our ministry account. Typically, we spend around $100 - $130 for food and drinks. Thankfully, I remembered the word of the Lord..."Be anxious in nothing, but in everything, with thanksgiving, make your request known to God." Thus far, we've always had enough money to buy what we were taking to the streets. Not only have we had enough, but we usually have an extra week or two in the account, so we haven't really thought about not having enough to buy food for our friends.
We have watched the Lord provide week in and week out, but now our faith was being put to the test. On Sunday night, I went away to pray. I specifically asked God to provide for our needs. As I was praying the Lord said, "Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? I remembered, "You have not, because you ask not," so I asked the Lord to provide for the work. On Monday, we received $112 in the mail! On Friday, we received $100 in the mail and also $40 cash from a friend who sold some items on the craigslist thrift store. Isn't he faithful?
As I said earlier, Steve, Aaron and Jon weren't able to come this week. Steve was celebrating 25 years of marriage with his wife, Aaron and Monique were attending a wedding for a friend and Jon had to work late. However, the Lord showed himself faithful, again. Initially, I thought I might go out alone, but my friend Jeremy and his wife Rebekah wanted to come. When Jeremy showed up at my house, David was with him. God was providing the people that we would need for this very special night. I received a call from Nick, whom I spoke with earlier in the week. He expressed interest in going out with us and called me to see what time we would be going. To be honest, I forgot about my conversation with Nick, but the Lord was again providing for His people on 19th street. The Lord showed up tonight in power!

My favorite part of the night was seeing one of our friends sitting in a chair as Rebekah braided his hair. Jeremy, David and her were singing over him as she braided. I immediately thought about Jesus washing the disciples feet as I watched her braid. Scripture was alive in that very moment!
The Lord is faithful and worthy to be praised! "Who do you say that I am?" I call you faithful, Lord!
"A Church Without Walls"
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