Greetings Friends,
This week three men entered a discipleship home and they are on their way to walking with God, because of our work. Each has made a profession of faith. I saw two of them today, while we were in Richmond for a meeting at the ROC church. The enemy is not happy about what is happening! I expect the attacks to come from the Sanballet's and Tobiah's. However, we will continue to rebuild the wall and we already have won the battle through Christ!
"A Church Without Walls"
I'll keep my testimony brief tonight, but I do want to communicate what has transpired as of this evening. Noah and I arrived in the city around 5:30 pm and began serving food and drinks to our friends. After we served those who were there, I began to preach about sin and repentance - sharing the gospel, etc. The Spirit of the Lord was upon me and I could tell that the word of God was reaching the hearts of some. It was a powerful time of the Spirit empowering me to speak the word in grace and truth.
However, after the preaching of the word, I went back to serving drinks and just hanging out with my friends. I know this will sound very weird to many, but I sensed the enemy like I never have in my life. Out of the blue, there were some who showed up who I haven't seen before in the streets. It was almost like an army of the enemy, coming to fight. It was so strong and so powerful, that I sensed it in my Spirit and it was very obvious. Of course, I feared for Noah immediately and I was not prepared to fight in rebuke and prayer. We packed up and left not long after.
This is real guys! I was reminded that we do not battle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Something hit me on my way home...Typically, I usually have several people who go to the streets with me, however, many people were out of town for the Memorial Day weekend for various reasons and it was just Noah and I. When the army of the Lord is there, we have authority over the powers of darkness, but tonight, I felt like I was a POW -alone - and the other army of the enemy was surrounding me. Two men almost started fighting and there was hated, anger, a spirit of this world among us.

Please pray for us, again this is a spiritual war, not an earthly battle. Peoples lives and eternal destiny's are at stake and we need to stay in the fight!
Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world!
Fighting the good fight,
Keep the faith my friend. You do not have a spirit of fear. This is what the enemy wants to do cause a spirit of fear. He knows how to attack...he knows your vulnerable spots...your family. I will continue to pray the Lords protection over each of you. Praise the Lord! You have the enemy riled...praise the Lord! You are also drawing closer to God and see more into the spiritual realm. This will brought an asset to you. Much love Patsy and Patrick