Saturday, February 25, 2012

Some preach from a pulpit, some preach on the steps of a city building

Greetings friends,

I trust that you are experiencing the grace of God in new and refreshing ways today.  He continues to bless the works of our hands and for that I'm grateful.

Tonight, was a cold blustery night in the downtown city streets.  Once again, many would come for shelter at the local bus stop and we would have an opportunity to share the love of God with them.  Again, the Lord laid it on the heart of Kris Bering to use her cooking gift to bless those who we would encounter.  Each person, was extremely grateful for the hot soup, cookies and coffee that was provided.  I was very excited to have Jeremy Miller join us this week.  He was able to bring His guitar and use his music gift to usher in the very presence of God on the steps of a city building.  I received a text from Ray Hunt today informing me that he had collected several coats for us to bring as well.  I was freshly reminded of 1 Corinthians 12:12 - "The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ."  It's a beautiful picture of how God uses each of us in many different ways to accomplish His good and perfect will.  I understand why he calls us His bride and why he loves us so much.

We arrived at around 5 pm and began to serve soup and coffee.  Tonight was a little different, as the security guards at the Social Service building would not let anyone in the building, which made things a little difficult.  People were very cold and fighting to find a wall or an obstacle that would block the wind.  After a while of serving, Steve reminded me of one of the first nights that I went downtown the Lord called me to start singing and praising God.  He reminded me of the verse that says, "If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men."  Jeremy grabbed his guitar and started blessing the Lord from the back of my van.  He couldn't play long, as his fingers were pretty brittle, but I was grateful for the way that our worship ushered us into the very presence of God. 

After around 10-15 minutes of playing we went back to serving.  The soup and coffee went pretty fast tonight, but most people were fed.  In the meantime, the Lord was calling me to preach to the crowd tonight.  I sensed this earlier in the afternoon, while I was at home spending time with the Lord.  I wasn't sure if it would work, but I didn't question it either.  I knew it was what the Lord was calling me to do, so I wanted to be faithful to the voice of the Lord. 

I knew when it was time as my heart started pounding and I felt the Holy Spirit come over me.  I told Jeremy and he quickly grabbed his guitar and walked over to the steps of the Social Service building.  I began exclaiming to a crowd of around 30-35 people about the love of God.  I preached this message, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."  I've always seen this verse in a scary light and initially I didn't think this would really be an effective way to share God's love.  But, yet again, His ways are higher than my ways, too lofty for me to attain.  I realized that I didn't see or understand this scripture, rightly.  I saw it as God's judgement on me instead of his mercy.  It was as if I didn't have much time and I needed to repent, before my time was up. 

However, today in my time with the Lord, I was asking the Lord to help me understand this message in a clearer way.  I felt the love and compassion of the Lord, rush over me.  I heard this verse in this way now, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is right here, right now and I'm giving it to you.  I paid for you to inherit this kingdom and all of it's fullness is yours"  It's a real kingdom, with a real king.  It's a kingdom that's favorite song is freedom and liberty.  It's a kingdom of authority and power.  It's a kingdom where the sick are healed, prisoners are set free, the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, the poor are made rich in Him.  This kingdom is available to us because of the work of the Christ!  It's not just for us in heaven.  It's been given to us, right now, by the blood of Jesus.  He's made a way for us to enter and we are now mighty in God.  We are a royal priesthood, holy to our king!  We are heirs to this kingdom and the keys have been handed to us.  If only, we would repent, so that we might receive.  It's his kindness and mercy that leads us to repentance and not by works that any of us should boast.  All things are from him, all things are through Him and all things are for Him.  He desires for us to walk in freedom!  Freedom from all oppression, addictions, depressions, bondage, etc.  The Kingdom of heaven is at hand!  Repent, so that you can come in and walk in the sweet Kingdom of God where there is freedom, power and all authority.  Forfeit the kingdom of this dark and evil age that brings pain, hurt, bondage, addictions, sorrow and brokenness.  Turn to the One who crushed his son to give you life. we are - Jeremy and I - Jeremy singing "He is worthy of it all" with me preaching the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand on the steps of the department of Social Service building, in downtown Norfolk, VA.  Steve was off somewhere praying for several.  It was freezing cold, but God was moving in power and authority.  Chains were being broken, souls were being refreshed and Jesus was receiving the reward of His great suffering.  I noticed one lady lifting her hands as she received the word of the Lord.  I noticed 2 others crying.  I witnessed one walk away and one who's heart was previously hard and calloused towards me, ask for prayer.  After I preached this message, I had an opportunity to pray for some.  This is the Kingdom!  This is my King!  He's worthy and mighty!  Mighty to heal and mighty to save!  Walk in the light of the Kingdom!  Repent, and experience the freedom that has been purchased in Christ! 

Be transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of God, where there is joy, peace, love and life overflowing.  Salvation is not a free gift, it cost Jesus His very life!  However, it was purchased for you and I, so we might walk in the Kingdom.  Go!  Walk in that freedom with reverence and awe!

Grace and  peace,



  1. We, as believers in Christ, have had something very precious committed to our trust--- the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
