Sunday, February 26, 2012

Let the gospel go forth! By Steve Zollos

Let the Gospel Go Forth

The theme for our prayer meeting yesterday seemed to be ‘Let The Gospel Go Forth,’ and last night the Lord brought to my mind that when each of us play the role the Lord calls us to, ministry goes forth…. The Gospel goes forth. 

The streets were exceptionally cold last night and the Lord blessed ‘A Church Without Walls’ another night with His presence as He allowed the Gospel of Jesus Christ to go forth. Jimmy even had a chance to preach to a crowd, and our friend Jeremy brought his guitar and played until his fingers were too cold to feel the strings.

Timothy received his size 10 shoes, Joanna received her glasses, and much needed hot and nutritious food was received by all. It was a difficult, but glorious night. By the way, please pray for Johnny, as he needs a backpack. In many ways a backpack is a homeless person’s house. Everything they own comes with them, so this is no small request. Please pray.

The most significant thing that God showed me last night was not on the streets. It was in the service of Kris Bering who again volunteered to make soup for these people whom God loves so dearly. When I picked up the soup (and cookies) Kris made a comment to the effect of ‘at least I can make soup,’ and I detected that she may have felt like what she was doing was somehow less than those who were taking her soup to the streets. She shared how happy she was to be able to be part of a ministry that was putting her faith into action and that she was using it to teach her children the same.

I could just feel God’s good pleasure in her words and heart. It is no small thing when the Lord speaks to us to serve ‘one of the least of these.’ When we each do our part no part is greater than the other. No true Saint is less than another true Saint… and I believe that in God’s eyes no service to ‘one of the least of these’ is insignificant…. to the contrary.

As I started serving the soup last night I could see the Lord’s work in it. The soup was home made, it was thick and hot, it was chock full of nutritious vegetables and meat. It was an answer to prayer on so many levels… I know it may sound trite, but truly the Lord’s hand helped to stir that soup when it was being made… God knew it would be perfect.

Tonight let me encourage you to pray and ask the Lord what He is calling you to. Ask, seek, and knock and the Lord will reveal His will for you. He will prepare your heart to bring the good news to the poor, the sick, the dying. To the old, the lonely, and those who are in both physical and spiritual prison. There are so many people that God loves and who you know. Pray and ask the Lord how you can be His hands and His feet… which were pierced for you and for me. Pray and tell the Lord, “here I am, send me.”

He may send you to your son, or your neighbor, or He may send you half way around the world, but if you are a true Saint, He will send you… and He will give you the faith to go. Let’s pray.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Some preach from a pulpit, some preach on the steps of a city building

Greetings friends,

I trust that you are experiencing the grace of God in new and refreshing ways today.  He continues to bless the works of our hands and for that I'm grateful.

Tonight, was a cold blustery night in the downtown city streets.  Once again, many would come for shelter at the local bus stop and we would have an opportunity to share the love of God with them.  Again, the Lord laid it on the heart of Kris Bering to use her cooking gift to bless those who we would encounter.  Each person, was extremely grateful for the hot soup, cookies and coffee that was provided.  I was very excited to have Jeremy Miller join us this week.  He was able to bring His guitar and use his music gift to usher in the very presence of God on the steps of a city building.  I received a text from Ray Hunt today informing me that he had collected several coats for us to bring as well.  I was freshly reminded of 1 Corinthians 12:12 - "The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ."  It's a beautiful picture of how God uses each of us in many different ways to accomplish His good and perfect will.  I understand why he calls us His bride and why he loves us so much.

We arrived at around 5 pm and began to serve soup and coffee.  Tonight was a little different, as the security guards at the Social Service building would not let anyone in the building, which made things a little difficult.  People were very cold and fighting to find a wall or an obstacle that would block the wind.  After a while of serving, Steve reminded me of one of the first nights that I went downtown the Lord called me to start singing and praising God.  He reminded me of the verse that says, "If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men."  Jeremy grabbed his guitar and started blessing the Lord from the back of my van.  He couldn't play long, as his fingers were pretty brittle, but I was grateful for the way that our worship ushered us into the very presence of God. 

After around 10-15 minutes of playing we went back to serving.  The soup and coffee went pretty fast tonight, but most people were fed.  In the meantime, the Lord was calling me to preach to the crowd tonight.  I sensed this earlier in the afternoon, while I was at home spending time with the Lord.  I wasn't sure if it would work, but I didn't question it either.  I knew it was what the Lord was calling me to do, so I wanted to be faithful to the voice of the Lord. 

I knew when it was time as my heart started pounding and I felt the Holy Spirit come over me.  I told Jeremy and he quickly grabbed his guitar and walked over to the steps of the Social Service building.  I began exclaiming to a crowd of around 30-35 people about the love of God.  I preached this message, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."  I've always seen this verse in a scary light and initially I didn't think this would really be an effective way to share God's love.  But, yet again, His ways are higher than my ways, too lofty for me to attain.  I realized that I didn't see or understand this scripture, rightly.  I saw it as God's judgement on me instead of his mercy.  It was as if I didn't have much time and I needed to repent, before my time was up. 

However, today in my time with the Lord, I was asking the Lord to help me understand this message in a clearer way.  I felt the love and compassion of the Lord, rush over me.  I heard this verse in this way now, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is right here, right now and I'm giving it to you.  I paid for you to inherit this kingdom and all of it's fullness is yours"  It's a real kingdom, with a real king.  It's a kingdom that's favorite song is freedom and liberty.  It's a kingdom of authority and power.  It's a kingdom where the sick are healed, prisoners are set free, the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, the poor are made rich in Him.  This kingdom is available to us because of the work of the Christ!  It's not just for us in heaven.  It's been given to us, right now, by the blood of Jesus.  He's made a way for us to enter and we are now mighty in God.  We are a royal priesthood, holy to our king!  We are heirs to this kingdom and the keys have been handed to us.  If only, we would repent, so that we might receive.  It's his kindness and mercy that leads us to repentance and not by works that any of us should boast.  All things are from him, all things are through Him and all things are for Him.  He desires for us to walk in freedom!  Freedom from all oppression, addictions, depressions, bondage, etc.  The Kingdom of heaven is at hand!  Repent, so that you can come in and walk in the sweet Kingdom of God where there is freedom, power and all authority.  Forfeit the kingdom of this dark and evil age that brings pain, hurt, bondage, addictions, sorrow and brokenness.  Turn to the One who crushed his son to give you life. we are - Jeremy and I - Jeremy singing "He is worthy of it all" with me preaching the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand on the steps of the department of Social Service building, in downtown Norfolk, VA.  Steve was off somewhere praying for several.  It was freezing cold, but God was moving in power and authority.  Chains were being broken, souls were being refreshed and Jesus was receiving the reward of His great suffering.  I noticed one lady lifting her hands as she received the word of the Lord.  I noticed 2 others crying.  I witnessed one walk away and one who's heart was previously hard and calloused towards me, ask for prayer.  After I preached this message, I had an opportunity to pray for some.  This is the Kingdom!  This is my King!  He's worthy and mighty!  Mighty to heal and mighty to save!  Walk in the light of the Kingdom!  Repent, and experience the freedom that has been purchased in Christ! 

Be transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of God, where there is joy, peace, love and life overflowing.  Salvation is not a free gift, it cost Jesus His very life!  However, it was purchased for you and I, so we might walk in the Kingdom.  Go!  Walk in that freedom with reverence and awe!

Grace and  peace,


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Jon Murray's experience Saturday night ministering to the homeless

I met a guy named August who had been homeless for 5 years.  He was a believer that knew the bible very well and told me he suffered a lot of persecution in the shelters.  I listened to him talk for a while and it was clear that he didn't have much hope that his situation would get better.  Phil and I prayed with him that he would find favor with God and man to find a job and get off of the streets.  He then asked me if we had any extra socks,we didn't, so I told him I would bring him some on Sunday.  

I met with August outside of the Social Services building on Sunday (yesterday), handed him some shoes and socks and he was extremely grateful.  I asked him if he had eaten anything, he replied no, so I asked him where he was treating.  He laughed and decided on McDonalds.  We had some really good conversations on the way there and he explained to me that he messed up really bad in the past and burned bridges with a lot of people.  I again encouraged him and told him I would be praying that he would be able to get off of the streets and find a job.  When I dropped him off, I asked if we would see him next week and he replied, "hopefully not, I hope to have a job by then.”

I am praying that August will find a job and that God would bring healing to any psychological disorders he may have.  I may never see him again, but in light of a lot of bad experiences he said he's experienced with Christians, I hope that I was able to display the love of Christ to him.  I really enjoyed going out and serving the less fortunate with the guys, and I look forward to seeing how God will use us in the future.  

Jon Murray

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ryan Yahne's testimony of his visit to the homeless Saturday night

"Over the last 3 years I have been involved with multiple ministries inside of the church. I frequently usher on Sunday mornings, I am apart of a young adults ministry, I intern within the church and I have even started a discipleship group. After years of serving inside the church, I feel comfortable doing just about anything that is requested of me; whether it be praying for people, preaching a sermon, leading someone to know the Lord as their Savior.

One day this past summer the Lord started stirring up something in my spirit that made my passion for reaching the lost come alive.  This past Saturday February the 18th was my first time in 3 years that I was able to walk out the desires that were in my heart. A group of guys in the discipleship group, that I am a leader in, came together and joined with "A Church Without Walls" ministry and walked that out.

At first we got there and it seemed like we were just there to feed them and pass out some cloths. After a few minutes my heart started to ache. I thought to myself "this seems like something we would go overseas and do on a missions trip".  Then it hit me...this is the reality of these homeless people and they are right here in our own backyard!!!

I saw Jimmy walk off and started praying for a guy and I followed his lead. I had the chance to build a relationship with 3 people and pray for them and their needs. One lady that I prayed for had a broken ankle. After praying for her she said that she felt her ankle get better. It blessed me so much to be able to be apart of a ministry that is being the hands and feet of Jesus.  Thank you Jimmy for allowing the practical Faith discipleship group to join you on this mission. We hope to partner with you again soon"

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Our provider, Jehova Jira!

Greetings Friends,

Wow...I have so much to share with you.  The Lord has been moving in such powerful ways and it's so hard to contain all that he is doing.  I'm going to let you read about what happened last night, as we went to the city.  The Lord is amazing and His great mercy has no end.  This week we had 9 people go to Norfolk, in which 6 of them, I didn't even know until last night.  The cool thing is that each week the Lord provides in different ways.  It's a perfect picture of how the Lord desires to use "The Body of Christ" as we break down our denominational walls.  This week I've witnessed real physical healing, I've witnessed a girl weeping and sobbing bitterly as the Lord was healing the wounds and the hurt of her heart.  We've had an opportunity to visit those in prison and bring a precious girl into our home.  We picked up her sister and cousin today and brought them to our church service.  The Lord met each of us at worship today in an unbelievable way. I've observed the Lord use many people in different ways.  He's provided a house and it's in the beginning stages of reconstruction.  I've experienced real biblical fellowship, as men and women from various churches and variouss backgrounds pulled together to provide food, cloths, shelter and encouragement for our friends in the city.  The Lord is uniting his bride, preparing us to stand before Him without spot or blemish, upon His ready return.  Here's what happened this past weekend.  I've asked some of the others who went last night to share their testimonies, as to how the Lord met with them.  I'll post their testimonies as they come.  I'd encourage you to read my first post titled "Just give me one" and reflect on what God has done in just a few months.  It's a testimony of His great faithfulness!  Be blessed in the Name of the Lord!

"A Church Without Walls"

February 18, 2012

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

                                                                                        Matt 9:36-38 (NIV)           

Jimmy and I meet to pray every Saturday morning and this Saturday we were perplexed. We had a bunch of people who wanted to come out to minister to the homeless with us. I wasn’t sure what everyone would do, and we don’t want to ‘scare off’ the people we are trying to serve. We only have one van after all, one container of food, and one container from which to serve hot coffee. Not only that but it wasn’t going to be that cold Saturday evening, so we figured there wouldn’t be very many people coming for our hot food and drink, and the last thing we wanted was for people to be standing around without purpose.

In the end we decided to let everyone come downtown to serve with us. We had 9 people in all and the Lord knew our need. To our amazement there were upwards of 100 people there looking for food, shelter, and an encouraging word… more than we had ever seen on the streets. We needed every worker that the Lord had sent. (note to self: Try to see what the Lord doing before adding things up in the natural).

I don’t think Kris Bering, who made the soup and provided homemade cookies for us tonight could have imagined how the Lord would use her gift. But the Lord knew that He needed a faithful servant and put on Kris’ heart to provide the meal for the homeless tonight and they gratefully received every bowl of soup and every homemade cookie. Within 15 minutes of opening up the van every coat, sweater, glove, and hat had been claimed. By the end of the night the large pot of soup was gone, and we were eking out the last drops of the nearly 3 gallons of coffee we had prepared.

God is amazing. He moves in the hearts of His people to meet the needs of the helpless. Especially when it comes to ministry. We prayed for everyone that desired a touch from the great shepherd’s hand, and in that moment He held each of them in His open arms, strengthened their bones, and spoke to them the hope and encouragement of a loving Father. God is amazing.

A homeless man, Timothy, told me tonight that Joanna, the woman in the wheelchair, should be off the streets and he asked if I could help her get a place. Now think about that for a moment. Here is a homeless man, dirty, cold, hungry asking me to help someone else! Really? God, no wonder you love these people so dearly.

I explained to Timothy that we trust God for everything that is needed and that He has always faithfully provided all of the supplies that we bring out. I told him that we would pray for a home for Joanna, and that I was in faith that God would provide one for her. He also showed me his shoes and asked that we would pray for a size 10 pair of shoes for him. I assured him that I would be praying for those shoes as well. Please pray with me for these things so that the power of God might be shown in a tangible way to Timothy and Joanna.

Tonight God provided workers for the fields, clothes for the naked, food for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, help for the helpless, and kindness for His children, whom He loved enough to send His only Son to die for their sins. Thank you Lord Jesus our God and our Savior, you bring purpose to our lives and faith to our hearts. We worship and adore you, we sing your praises, and we delight in being your children.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

When I don't have anything to say, the Lord still does!

Hello friends,

Many of you know that Laura and I were at a conference this weekend and we did not go downtown to minister.  However, the Lord still desires to speak, so I want to be the avenue in which He can do that.  I received the below message from Steve Zollos this morning.  God is so good!  When I read what he sent the Lord quickly prompted me to post this, as the testimony this week.  It's a perfect picture of what God is doing in and throughout the earth.  I was convicted immediately of how I assess people and their gifting by their external appearance.  I was convicted that just because someone doesn't look like me, speak like me, dress like me, they are probably not qualified for the Lords work.  The truth is...apart from God's saving grace I am the worst of sinners.  The worst!  I realized that God speaks in many ways and I was reminded of the scripture in Hebrews 11 that says, "In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word."  God is speaking by the example of His son Jesus.  This week, I really want to allow you to read what Steve has written below.  It's what birthed this ministry and it's God's very heart to us.  I want you to know that "A Church Without Walls" is not just a good idea or a way for us to use our gifts.  It's from the heart of God and God is speaking to us through the example of His son.  The question is...will you listen to the voice of God?  Will you throw off traditions, your self images, your prosperity, your relationships, your own kingdoms, to hear and move with the very heart of God.  God was ministering to me this week and I feel compelled to share with you, especially after hearing from Steve.  Here's the word, as I was asking the Lord how he could use me.

"Lord, how can you use me?  I'm not well educated, I'm just a normal guy.  I'm nothing special, I don't have much to offer, Lord.  I'm a redeemed sinner, but really God, what could you do with me?  Haven't you just called me to provide for my family and work?  I have no money, I'm not wealthy, I wasn't born into money.  God, I'm not a politician or a well known man in the community.  I have scars and baggage God...and then I heard Him say to me..."Son, (yes I called you son)...Have you looked at me?  I was a normal man, I was the king who came riding on a donkey. I was the one whom was rejected by men, but now I'm seated at the right hand of the Father.  Have you seen my scars?  Have you seen my wounds?  Have you seen my side that absorbed the pierce of the spear?  Have you seen my hands and feet?  Have you seen the blood dripping down my brow from the crown of thorns that was placed on my head?  You are mine!  I've bought you with a price.  I didn't spend that much on you, because you don't have value.  I didn't pour out my blood to the very last drop, to have you sit on the sidelines.  I call you Son!  I knew you from the very beginning.  I formed you in your mothers womb and you are fearfully and wonderfully made.  I know all about you.  I know your failures, your weakness', your ambitions, as a matter of fact I know each hair on your head.  I know when you go out and when you lay down.  Before a word is on your tongue, I know it completely.  Where can you go from my presence?  You are my chosen one and I call you son.  You haven't seen who you really are.  Here's who you really are...You are a friend of the bridegroom.  I've taken you from the ashes and seated you with princes.  I am your father and you have been born into money.  I own it all!  You are well educated, because you are educated with the word of God.  You're right, you're not a politician or well know in the community.  Even better...You are a heir of a Kingdom that cannot be shaken!  You are my delight and my pleasure.  You're right, you don't have much to offer and that's why I say, "You who have no money, come buy, to you who are thirsty come drink!"  Do you know how valuable you are?  You cost me my very son.  No money can buy a life, but the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world can!  You have been bought at a costly price!  Have confidence in this, I really do love you son! 

By Steve Zollos:

A Church Without Walls 2-11-12

Jesus says in Mathew 16:18 “I will build my church…”  He doesn’t tell Peter to build His church. No, instead He declares that He Himself will build His church.

He does not build a denomination. He does not spend time and money constructing buildings. He never takes an offering to pay for His needs.

No Jesus does not build His church in this way. Instead he goes to the streets. He heals the sick, He ministers to the downtrodden, He encourages the broken hearted with the truth of God’s love for them. He eats with sinners, and He sets people free from their afflictions. Jesus builds His church by loving others, and thereby building disciples…. Followers of Christ.

As you come to him, the living Stone — rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him—you also, like living stones , are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.                                     1 Peter 2:4-6

This week I realized that A Church Without Walls is not about a person or a place or a ministry. It’s about being transformed into the likeness of Jesus. This week as we continued to endeavor to build a community garden for a disadvantaged community a homeless man came out to lend a hand (I mentioned him in my last blog post). If I hadn’t been about God’s business of serving the homeless with Jimmy these past months I’m  not sure I would have had the ‘eyes to see’ my opportunity to serve Christ. That’s the beauty of God’s plan for ‘building His church,’ He builds his church one living stone at a time, right in our own hearts. It’s a living miracle as we are transformed into the likeness of Christ.

I welcomed ‘John’ to the work site and he told me that he had carpentry skills. Skills we desperately needed on the site. I put him to work with another volunteer to build a raised 8’x4’ garden box and to raise our ‘pizza garden’ box off the ground 2 feet, along with other tasks to be completed over the following few days. Then John disappeared. To my surprise he returned in about 15 minutes with his own leather tool belt fastened around his waist.

John set about his work and it became clear very quickly that he really did have superb carpentry skills. I would have never known it to look at him… in the past I might have been nice to him but marginalized him and his skills because of my own blindness. But God is doing a new work in me, He is giving me eyes to see beyond exterior appearances, and a hunger to serve others – especially those in need.

John worked with me for three days asking nothing in return. He was happy to put his hand to his trade and help the community. After visiting our mobile health clinic he was given a prescription for blood pressure medicine that he couldn’t afford to fill so I took him to Walmart to get it for him. I was also hoping to have him pick out a new coat because his had gaping holes at the bottom. When I told him I wanted to buy the coat he laughed and said all he needed was a needle.

“A needle?” I questioned, and he pulled a piece of material out of his pocket. “yeah, uh, uh, I can sew this coat and it’ll be as good as new,” said he.

I bought him a needle. It struck me how this man loved to work, how he didn’t want hand-outs, and how, although he was homeless he was a proud man still intent on making his own way, no matter how slight or lavish that ‘own way’ might be.

I consider John a real friend now. We talk and laugh. He has taught me more than a few things about carpentry and about life. I can see why God loves him so dearly.

As God continues to transform me, giving me eyes to see and ears to hear, I pray for everyone who reads this blog to begin to walk in faith. I pray for those whose gifts have been marginalized by well meaning pastors, or fear, or laziness, to trust in God to lead you and to make His Will known to you.

I’ve attended a particular church for many years and have only been provoked to build a church out of brick and mortar, not the church that Christ is building. My gifts were being marginalized, limited, or put on the shelf completely.

In some churches service to Christ is seen as staying ‘within the walls of the church’ – serving on the worship team, faithfully paying your tithe, building relationships with ‘church people,’ and protecting yourself from the outside world. This stands in stark contrast to the ministry of Christ. One pastor actually told a church member that ‘God isn’t working out in the world, He’s working in the church.’ Nothing could be further from the truth.

I’m not saying that all churches are bad or ungodly. In fact I encourage you to attend church every Sunday. I am saying that you need to be discerning when deciding which church to attend. Your church should be literally equipping you to discern the will of God, and empowering you to take on the ministry God has for you OUTSIDE the walls of the church.

If your church is not equipping you, if you are not being provoked to minister in some way outside of the church, run don’t walk out of that building and find a real church that is about equipping you for the ministry God is calling you to.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Praying with the security guard at the Social Service building...

By Steve Zollos

Today the Lord taught me that ‘A Church Without Walls’ is not about a ministry, it is His Children loving a hurt and broken world through the grace of Jesus Christ.

I couldn’t go out to the streets tonight with Jimmy and the others. I had to work today. My job had me out in the community and my day turned out to be too long and too demanding to get home in time to meet up with the others, but the Lord had plans for me to minister any way.

Today I was leading a team that is building a community garden in a disadvantaged neighborhood. The work was labor intensive and we had community volunteers coming out to help build the garden. As it turns out a homeless man came out to help. He had a torn coat, straggly beard and a weather-worn face. He told me he was a carpenter and that he would like to help. Imagine that, the often maligned homeless coming out to help make the community a nicer place to live.

I told him I had a number of things to build and that his skills would be welcomed. He disappeared for a little while and reappeared with a tool belt secured neatly around his waist. He worked hard all day and when it came time for lunch he ate at a distance from the others. He built a raised garden box for us and took on the intricate job of raising our ‘pizza garden’ box off the ground. He did a great job, had a great attitude, and worked well with the other volunteers. I believe he was the most skilled person on the site.

As we were packing things up I asked him where he would be staying tonight. He told me on
19th street
, where Jimmy and I often minister. “Where on
19th street
,” I inquired. “In the bushes,” he replied.

The Lord put on my heart that ‘a worker is worthy of his hire.’ So I offered him 2 nights at a hotel which he humbly accepted. My daughter Sophia and I checked him into the hotel of his choice (a far too humble selection) and I gave him a few dollars to help him enjoy the super-bowl with.

The cool thing about ‘A Church Without Walls’ is that it goes where you go and God holds your hand as He shows you how to love your neighbor as yourself. It really has nothing to do with us, it’s 100% about knowing God and being known by Him.

Humbly in His service,

Steve Zollos

By Jimmy Foster:

The Lord is good!  His mercy and love endure forever!  His name is above all names, He's the Holy one, the Risen Son, the spotless Lamb of God.  He takes away the sins of the world and all who put their hope in Him, will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.  The Lord is birthing a new thing in the earth and He's preparing his bride for His ready return.  May the Lord be exalted!  Lord let your glory be over the earth!

Tonight, the Lord met us in a fresh way.  As we go each week, with no real agenda and we seek to allow the Holy Spirit to move, we are not disappointed.  Tonight, we crossed new territories in the ministry to the homeless.  I'm eager to share how the Lord moved.

This afternoon, Laura, the kids and I prepared little tote bags with toothpaste, toothbrushes, and bar soap for our homeless friends.  We decided that we wouldn't take food tonight as I wanted to go back to the bus stop this week and I wasn't sure what to expect from the City of Norfolk.  We thought we were just bringing coffee, cookies, bibles, and the tote bags, when I received a call from Clay Vanryckeghem informing me that he had collected many coats, sweatshirts, gloves, hats, etc.  Again, I'm amazed at God's faithfulness to provide for my friends.  I never know where the provision comes from, but I do know that God has not yet disappointed us, as we go.  He's remains faithful!

Tonight, was a cold, dreary, rainy night.  I had planned to go alone tonight, as my friend Steve spent most of his day working on a garden in the Ocean View community and didn't get home until later this evening.  He has a pretty amazing story to share from today and how the Lord moved even where he was today.

I served coffee, passed out bibles, jackets, gloves and the other things that the Lord provided.  I unexpectantly received a text from Clay saying, "I'm coming, where are you?"  To my surprise he showed up not long after I had arrived and he brought Lyle Dowling with him as well.  It was a normal night and we were just serving, getting to know our new friends.  After, we had passed things out for a little while, I was moved to go inside the Social Service building.  I wasn't real sure what to expect from the city workers or the security guards, but I decided to go in and see what the Lord had for me tonight.  I approached the counter and greeted the guards, there were two of them.  I said, "Excuse me, would it be ok if I prayed for some of these folks and do you mind if I pass out bibles.  One of them looked at me and said, "not at all, you go right ahead."  There's nothing quite like walking in the favor of the Lord!

I went back out to the van to get my bible and Clay approached me.  He said, "Wow...I just got shook up in the men's bathroom.  One of the men had been drinking and grabbed Clay by the coat.  I knew the guy he was speaking of, as I encountered him earlier in the night.  I knew he had been drinking and he definitely was not in his right frame of mind.  Anyway...I came back in the Social Service building and made the announcement that we were going to pray for anyone who desired prayer.  Immediately, we had a line of people. 

The first person I encountered was a young lady named Kathy.  She asked if I could pray for her daughter who was in the foster care system.  She was 5 years old and taken away from Kathy, because Kathy was unable to provide a stable living condition for her.  She was very sad and yearned to hold her daughter.  I quickly saw the Lord's hand and received a word for Kathy.  I told Kathy that God's heart was breaking as much as hers was.  I told Kathy that God yearned to hold her, like she yearns to hold her child.  I told Kathy that she is in "foster care" in regards to her relationship to God.  God had put her in Jimmy "Foster" care and he was using me to share His love with her.  I told her that until we accept the work of Jesus on the cross we cannot have a right relationship with God.  I told Kathy that the Lord desired a relationship with her - his daughter - as much as she desired a relationship with her 5 year old.  She started crying and I started interceding for her. 

I then had an opportunity to pray for Rikita.  Rikita had lost her dad not long ago and her mother died this week.  She was very sad and her face was covered with tears.  I saw her hurt and I hurt for her.  He mom abandoned her at a young age and she still mourned for her.  We started blessing the Lord, in spite of her situation we declared that God was good and that he loves us despite our troubles.  Lyle encouraged her to read a verse in 1 Corinthians that spoke on God's comfort to us.  We laid hands on Rikita and started pleading with God on her behalf.

I prayed for several others, but then the Lord prompted me to pray for the man who grabbed Clay.  I must confess that I was afraid and started to resist God's call.  The enemy used the lie, "he's drunk anyway and won't remember the prayer, why would you risk your safety to pray for a man who won't remember it anyway."  I threw that lie off, as I thought about the demon possessed boy in Mark 5.  He was found sitting in his right mind when he encountered Jesus.  I walked over to where he was and noticed that he was talking to Bernard, who I prayed for last week.  This is the man who was addicted to crack cocaine and alcohol.  This was the man that repeatedly said last week, "I can't stop, I can't's too hard."  I said, "Hi Bernard!  How was your week?"  He looked up and said in excitement, "MR. JIM!"  He got up and hugged me for about 30 seconds.  His friend - the drunk guy - looked at me and said, "who are you?"  I said my name is Jimmy Foster, what's your name?  He said, "call me Flavor"  I said, "Can I lay hands on you and pray for you Flavor?"  He said, "Let me pray for you!"  In his harshest voice. :)  I looked up and noticed that the security guards were standing close to Flavor.  Flavor looked at the security guard and said, "come on, let's hold hands and pray."  Before, I knew, Bernard, Flavor and the security guard were standing in a circle, holding hands praying for God to meet us. 

It didn't hit me until after I left that I was praying with the security guard.  Wow, God was even uniting the homeless to the guards.  God was stirring up a compassion in the guards for these men.  Only God could do this.  Simply his favor!  I then knelt down and talked to Flavor for awhile.  He started confessing his sin.  He told me about his alcohol addiction, he shared with me that his heart hurt.  I prayed for him again, I asked God to give him a new name.  Not Flavor, but Favor...  He then prayed for me, the Lord blessed me by this. 

You don't suppose the enemy was working tonight and allowed that to happen to Clay, because he didn't want this man prayed for, do you?  You don't suppose the power of God was on display to see 2 homeless men, a civilian and a guard in the Social Service building, holding hands praying for God's power to meet us.  You don't suppose the Lord did big things in Flavor's life tonight, as the gospel pierced his soul.  I watched anger melt off of him.  Isn't it like the enemy to try to stop the work of the Lord.  I'm so glad, God revealed this lie and allowed me to walk in the authority of the Spirit with this man. 

For the first time I prayed for healing for a man named Mark.  This is a new realm in regards to the Spiritual gifts for me.  I asked Mark if he believed if God could make him well.  He looked at me in all seriousness and said, "not really."  I said, "Well Mark, you don't know my God.  Isaiah 53 says, "He WAS bruised for our iniquities and what Christ did was enough.  I told Mark that his faith would make him well.  Mark has emphysema and his lungs are failing him.  I knelt down as he was sitting against the wall and prayed for faith for Mark.  Then, I prayed for healing.  He was bruised for our sickness,it's really true!  He did that for us - you and I.  I'm in faith that Mark is healed.  He thanked me many times for praying for him and he even said he felt better. 

Another night, no plans, no agenda...just the Power of God in real life.  Many people were met tonight.  To Him be praise, honor and glory forever and ever.

You are the Potter, I am the clay,
