Church Without Walls 2-22-13
God Turns Man’s Heart Like Water
Miracles happen every day, but sometimes they’re difficult
for us to see.
It was one of those nights in Norfolk where the temperature
was 40 degrees, but it felt like 27. We pulled up our hoods, and paced back and
forth to keep warm, but God was ready to show us His work.
It was amazing a number of months ago when the security
guards let us pray for people in a government building. We thought ‘what favor
we have been shown.’ Tonight, however, God showed us that he was not done with
his work. Over the past months, as we ministered to the homeless, God was
ministering to one of the security guards.
What a blessing to come out last night to see the security
guard come over with a bag full of McDonald Hamburgers, and start to hand them
out to the homeless! Last week Jeff took off his shoes and gave them to
homeless man. Tonight, the security guard goes to McDonalds and spends his own
money to help ‘feed the 5000.’ How GLORIOUS is our God! He spent his own money.
He took the initiative. He became a minister of the Gospel last night and it
really was glorious to see. It just goes to show you that the Word of God does
not come back void, but accomplishes its purpose for which it was sent forth –
and God’s purposes are far beyond our expectations.
Aaron preached last night sharing from the Gospel of John.
He preached a simple message of God’s love as the homeless gathered around to
listen. Jeremy played worship songs and we all joined in. After the preaching
of the Word the homeless men initiated a prayer circle, where the security guard joined us, and Aaron prayed for all
of us. Jimmy shared a powerful word about Moses, the Lord parting the waters
that stands in front those who were listening. It was full of hope with the
promise of God’s power.

She approached Debbie and asked her for prayer to heal her eyes from the developing cataracts. They had a conversation about being mothers, and prayed for each other’s children. She asked for prayer, but in the Lord’s providence she received more than a simple prayer. She also got a friend with a listening ear, a tender response, and a loving Spirit.
It is easy to forget that the homeless are real people, with
real dreams, and emotional and spiritual needs. Many of them love and serve our
God. Debbie found out that Susan loves to worship and that she had written some
worship songs. She sang part of one for Debbie. Her voice was sweet and the
song was inspiring.
Like many of the homeless, Susan has a variety of needs, but
she found family last night in the people of God, and a sister to speak with in
Steve Zollos