Greetings! I'm so excited to write to you and inform you about all that the Lord is doing in our midst in upstate NY. I'm experiencing God in new ways and we're seeing his love having it's effect on peoples lives. There are so many testimonies of lives being changed and God is meeting the needs of many in our region.
Meet Michelle! Michelle is my cousin, whom I love dearly. I'll never forget the day we moved back to upstate NY and I ran into Michelle. We immediately embraced one another and many tears were shed. Michelle has always had a huge heart, but through many circumstances found herself broken and hurting.
I'll never forget one of the first things she told me when we reunited. She said, "I've prayed and prayed that God would bring you here." Well, here I was standing before her, now a resident in upstate NY. Could God have heard her prayers? Could he have answered her, as she cried out to him? Does he really care? Yes, he really does! He loves us so much, he loves to restore us, he loves to rescue us and he loves to use us for his glory.
It was July 13, 2013 and it was the first of many outreaches the Lord has planted in my heart. It was "Power in the Park," a free community cookout in the local park where we gave away free food, had live music and I preached the gospel! Michelle was one of the people who responded to God's call that night. I prayed with her and she surrendered her life to the King of Heaven that night. From that night on, she has not been the same. She's abandoned her former life of alcohol and drug use and has been clean for many months. I've seen her change before my eyes. God is restoring every part of her life! Not only is he restoring her life, he's now using her to restore the lives of others.
Fast forward.....
It's now the middle of December and a couple of weeks ago, I received a phone call from Michelle. She said, "I was praying and I feel like the Lord is calling me to take care of single moms and help them feed their babies." She said, "I started crying immediately and felt the Presence of God with me as He spoke." Knowing that voice myself and having similar experiences when the Lord calls me to something, I knew that God was working in Michelle's heart and indeed was inviting her to join him in the great commission and in the ministry of reconciliation. Wisely, Michelle didn't act right away, but rather she prayed and she continued to seek the Lord regarding this. I knew about it and told her I believed that God would use her in this way.
Now, let me introduce you to another friend - Ronnie. Ronnie has been faithful to deliver toilet paper and paper towels to The Village House of Prayer, often. This has been a huge blessing, because it's one of those things that I don't always think of, so it was cool that God was prompting Ronnie to bring those couple of things. I am very grateful for Ronnie and how he listens to the Lord.
Well, Ronnie walked in this week, but this week he didn't have his normal paper towels and toilet paper. He had 3 or 4 larger bags, but I couldn't tell what was in the bags. I said jokingly with a grin, "That's a lot of toilet paper, Ronnie!" He chuckled quietly. He said, "I'm not sure why, but the Lord wanted me to bring this to you today." As I walked towards him, he opened the bags wide and in the bags were diapers, baby bottles, and several baby clothes. He gave us over 100 diapers, two boxes of infant formula bottles and the clothes. I immediately thought of Michelle.
I called Michelle immediately and told her the news. She just started crying and laughing all at the same time. It was a holy moment! Michelle came up and picked up the items a few hours later. She is excited about gathering all the different sized diapers and making them nice for the ladies who will receive them. Michelle was obedient to God's voice and now he is using her to accomplish his purposes. Now, she is "A Church Without Walls"
Greetings, friends and family of the eternal Kingdom of God! The Kingdom that will never perish, that will never fade, that will remain unchanging forever, even when everything else passes away.
Today, was a beautiful sight from Heaven. Today, a group of passionate people moved the very heart of God, as they exhausted themselves on the renovations of our small outreach center/prayer room. It was beautiful!
As I was driving home tonight, I was thinking of all that we accomplished. I caught myself reflecting upon each person who poured their energy, minds, muscles and talent into "The Village House of Prayer." I started thanking God, right there in my car and then something happened...He said, "Son, come up here, I want to show you what I saw today? I want to show you what the view looked like from my throne room this afternoon. I want to show you what the elders and the angels saw today. Oh son, it was beautiful, it moved my heart! I saw it...."
He said, "I saw a young man who left this little town 14 years ago, broken and alone, now leading an army of men and women. I saw the same man who I rescued from addiction, bondage and sin serving and working along side this army of God to accomplish every little detail. I saw the woman who was bound by an alcohol addiction 4 months ago, sweating, smiling, pouring her life out for the sake of others.
I saw the father who hasn't had a relationship with his son in years working along side of his son, instructing him, helping him, serving with him. I saw the family who 2-3 months ago was separated and ravaged by the plan of the enemy. I saw them holding one another in prayer tonight. I saw the joy in their heart, I saw my love beaming from their smiles.
I saw the young man who didn't believe I existed 4 months ago, digging through the rubbish of rotten wood, rusty nails, dust and dirt, serving me with every piece of debris he threw in that trailer. I saw the young man who just lost his family, who's been broken in every way pounding those nails out of that lumber, son.
I saw the Christian woman who was discouraged wondering if I had forgotten her, sweeping that floor, singing and exalting my name. I saw that couple who 4 months ago was on the verge of separation working, serving, leading the charge son! I saw that man who just came through brain cancer carrying those heavy sheets of sheet-rock, feeding that insulation blower. I saw that woman who cries out for her lost son covering every scratch on those book shelves with Old English - making it beautiful again! I saw that woman who has felt rejected most of her life, smiling, working, laughing. I saw it son...I saw it all and I am so pleased. You've found me've sought me with your whole heart and here I am!"
You see, you're renovating a building, but I'm renovating a people. You're renovating a building built with brick and mortar, but I'm renovating a temple where my presence will dwell. I don't live in temples built with brick and mortar, but I live in every heart that will open that door to my steady knock. This holy place where my spirit lives is being reborn!
Just as you ripped out all that rotten wood, I'm ripping out all of those rotten childhood memories. I'm ripping out every rotten piece of their heart son. Just as they swept the dust and the debris son, I'm sweeping the very depth of their soul. I'm sweeping every bit of dust off the shelf of their heart. Just as they ripped down every warped, decayed piece of sheet-rock, I'm removing all warped, decayed piece of thinking that has existed in their minds. You see son, you see things from the mind of man, but I see things from a realm you don't know of. Just as, you hung every new piece of sheet-rock today, I'm redecorating them son. I making them beautiful! I'm conforming them to my image son. I love them and it is my delight to heal them, it's my delight to reconstruct their broken lives. It's my delight to restore, to renew, to remove every piece of death and replace it with life.
Son, I saw another scene today. I was looking back and forth to that old building to the aisles of that shopping center where those moms and their children shopped for Operation Christmas Child. I saw that woman son, who left that city where everything she knew was comfortable, as she walked down the aisle of that store shopping for those poor kids in a foreign land. I saw each child she led today, as they combed the shelf for the perfect gift to put in that shoe box that would bless another needy child. A child they didn't know, a child they've never met. I saw those little kids as they picked each gift carefully, making sure that the child who would receive it would experience my love. I saw it, I saw it son...and it moved me.
Today, Heaven and earth became one. Today, you caught our gaze son! Today, I saw every movement of your heart towards me. I saw your desire to bless me son. I saw it....and it blessed all of heaven! I love you son, I love those beautiful people that worked so hard. I'm with you son, I will never leave you nor forsake you son!
I greet you tonight in the wonderful name of Jesus! Blessed be the name of the Lord, the one who is, who was and who is to come. The one who transfers us from the kingdom of darkness, to His marvelous light! The one who lifts us up out of the horrible pit and sets our feet upon a rock, that we might stand firm, that we would stand on the unshakable promises of Jesus!
Tonight, was a special night at "The House Church." There was a special anointing present and God spoke to each of us through his Word. Today, as I was praying for our meeting, God told me that there was going to be a special anointing, tonight. Oh...and he did not disappoint!
I heard the Lord clearly instructing me to feed his sheep through exhortation, tonight. The word was specific to each person, the word was life to each hearer. Right there in my living room, the voice of God was loud and clear. Not only in my living room, but even the children who were in the loft upstairs, quieted themselves before the holy, reverent, anointed word of the Lord. It's really true...He does hold the words of life in his very hand. I didn't have to plan a bible game, I didn't have to keep their attention by giving them candy and snacks, their hearts burned within them to hear the Word. No kids programs, no puppet shows, no lights, skits, just the Rhema word of the Lord.
As I was preaching, one little girl who was upstairs was listening, intently. No one knew she was listening, but the word had captured her. Remember, In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Ryanne encountered the Word tonight. Here's an 8-9 year old girl, who I don't believe is a Christian nor has any biblical knowledge. Here's what was brought downstairs, as she listened to the Word. Ryanne, encountered the Word, the Word that has become flesh, was made alive in her tonight.
The Lord said, "I use the weak, not the strong. I choose the broken, not the well. I use simple fishermen, not the educated and the well spoken. It is no longer YOU that live, but I that live through you. With you this is not possible, but with me all things are possible. Set your gaze on me and me alone. Don't turn to the left or to the right, where the wind and the waves crash, but keep your eyes fixed on the one who called you out of the boat, onto the water.
Look to the one who is mighty to save, to the one who will not faint, who will not grow weary. The one who holds the universe together, by the word of his power. Many of you don't believe, many of you don't think you have what it takes, many of you think you have nothing to offer, many of you are downcast, but I say to you LOOK to the hills, to where your help comes from. LOOK, to the one who gives you the keys to the Kingdom, to the one who has made you an heir, a family member of the King.
I love to use the least expected, I love to use the one who everyone else gave up on, I love to use the ones who have been battered and bruised, the one who has lost hope, the one who has no strength. It's not for your sake, but for the sake of my great name that I will use you. Through you, my glory will be on display! Through your weakness, I will show myself strong. All men will know that I am the Lord!"
It was very obvious, as we all shared our testimonies tonight that the Lord had something to say to us. He wanted to encourage his children, he exhorted us to press on to the prize that is in Christ Jesus. This world has nothing for us, but pain and heartache. But, take heart, He is the one who overcame the world and greater is He who lives us, than he that is in this broken world.
He says this day, "Joshua, Get up! Why is your face downcast? I have called you and my word will remain. The flowers and the grass will wither, they will fade away, but my word remains! Cling to my word, so that when the one who comes to kill, steal and will stand like a strong warrior with the word that is sharper than any two edged sword. The word that has divine power to separate bone and marrow. The weapons of your warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God. Blessed is the man who meditates on my word day and night! For He will conquer! For he will stand when everything else is laid down and laid bare."
Blessed be the name of the Lord! Praise his holy name! Sing to the one, who puts a new song in your mouth! Lift up your head you ancient gates, lift them up you ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in - who is this King of Glory? The Lord strong and mighty! The Lord mighty in battle! The ancient gates of Church traditions are lifting, the ancient, cold, heavy doors of denominations, pew sitting and the modern business church are being lifted by this good news, by the drawing of the Holy Spirit! He's raising up the true worshipers, who will not bow their knee to the Baals. The remnant, the ones who will worship in Spirit and in Truth!
Wow, what a week it's been! Many of you have read the testimony about the detail business in VA and how God's faithfulness continues in the life of our ministry. What Steve forgot to mention is... that a women donated $15,000 for me to purchase this business. She didn't just donate the equipment, but she literally sent me a check in the mail for $15, 000. This blew my mind and took my faith to another level!
However, the crazy part is that not long after this lady donated the money to our ministry, God began calling our family to Upstate NY. I questioned God in that moment, wondering if what I was hearing was accurate. I'm like..."God, but the ministry is going well here, you just gave us this business, are you really calling me to upstate, NY?" I understood in that moment what Abraham must have felt like when God gave him a son and then he instructed him to take him to the top of the mountain that day. How bizarre!
Well, after months of letting this detail business sit in a man's garage, out of no where yesterday, I received the call notifying me of the large contract we signed with a local hospital that would soon employ some of our homeless friends in the inner city. Again, here I was being taken from faith to faith and glory to glory.
I must confess, it's been hard in Dolgeville, NY for me and my family. Not because we don't like it here, but we desire to be a part of what is going on in Norfolk, VA as we see the fruit of this intense labor being born. I see blossoms from heaven all over the ministry in Norfolk, and I feel like were back to tilling the ground up here in NY. I find myself asking God, "Why God, why would you call us to move in the early stages of this very fruitful ministry?"
But, thanks be to God! He hasn't abandoned us! Today was full of his glorious power! It started this morning, when I contacted my friend at Bethany Bible College. They had offered to allow us to use their movie projector for our "Movie in the Park" that's coming up in just a few days. Well, when I sent a text to my friend this morning asking what time I could pick it up, he notified me that it must have been packed and sent with them to VA. It wasn't supposed to have been, but he couldn't find it.
My heart sunk, as I know these things cost well over $300-$400. (That doesn't include the screen) He apologized and was so sad that this had happened, so I closed my eyes and sent him a text saying, "It will all work out," even though I was having trouble with my faith in that moment. I really didn't know what to do, so I started looking online to see if I could rent the complete set up. I we are...a couple of days from the event, I couldn't stop now. I didn't have much luck with the rental idea, as the closest places were in Saratoga Springs or Albany, which are both a little ways away. I stopped and prayed..."God, I know you told me to have this event. You remember that Saturday a couple weeks ago, as I sat on my mower and you spoke to me. You have to do this!"
I drove up to the school - thinking - I could speak to my old football coach and maybe he would help me. Well, when I got there he wasn't in his office, so I went up to the football field and he wasn't there either. I said, "God, what am I going to do?" At this point, I was about to drive to Utica, NY to Best Buy and make the purchase, but I knew God told me to do this event and I also knew that anytime he asks me to do something, he ALWAYS has provided. But, here I was again, consumed with doubt, considering the cost of buying a projector, a screen and whatever else was needed.
I was supposed to meet with Ken Jaquay today to test the sound for the event, but there was one problem....I didn't have a projector. I called Ken and said, "Ken, I'm sorry, but I have a problem and we won't be able to test the sound today." I told him how my plan fell through and I was going to make a couple more calls and if something didn't work out, I would go buy one so we didn't disappoint those who planned to come. We hung up the phone....
I went out for a while racking my brain as to who else I could contact. I called my uncle Chris, I went by the Skywave in town and no luck. I came home a little discouraged and Laura said, "Hey honey, Ken called and wants you to call him back." I said, "okay, I'll call him in a minute." I called Ken and said, "Hey Ken, Laura said you called, what's up?" He said, "This shouldn't be this hard," to which I agreed. I thought about the churches who had these things to project their worship lyrics every week, I was so frustrated. Ken said, "I have a projector." I was stunned! I was thinking to myself, "Has he been holding out on me after all this stress?" :) Then I found out that God told Ken to go to the Ebay store in town and check for a projector, so he obeyed and went. He purchased the projector that would serve our community on Saturday night. I was in shock, I was like, "Ken, I want to pay you, thank you, thank you, thank you, this is so great!" Not only did we get the projector, he found a screen for $15 and we purchased that too.
Now, here I am...all proud saying, "I knew you would do it God, you always do!" Like I really believed that 2 hours ago. :) The best part about the whole story is this...
Tonight, I met Ken to do a trial set up to make sure everything was good for Saturday night. I said, I'm going to pay you for the projector, to which he responded, "I can't let you do that." I plead my case saying, "Ken, no, please let me." He looked me dead in the face and said, "Jimmy, I don't hear God speak that much, but today I know he told me to go to the Ebay store and I'm just glad to hear him speak." I was like wow....God didn't break his promise to me. He was always going to provide for this event, but he cared more about Ken hearing his voice than he cared if I was a little stressed out. It was a holy moment for me, it was awesome!
He really is our provider! He really is the great and awesome one! Hope to see you Saturday! We'll have the free movie, free popcorn, free candy for the kids, free drinks, games and live music as well.
How O' God could you take this ash heap and restore its beauty? How O' God could you take this broken vessel and fill it with your love? How could you take a wretch like me and call me a son, a Royal Priesthood, a family member of the King? Haven't you seen me in my darkest hour? Don't you know how I've mocked your name? Don't you know how I've pierced your hands and feet? How O' God? Why?
I've heard that you love those who hate you. I've heard you died for those who mocked you. I've even heard that as those soldiers stuck you to that rugged cross you were lavishing your love on them. Why are you so different? Why is your love so amazing? Why O' God do you love us so much? Who is like you O' God!? Who can compare to you and your endless love?
These were real questions I asked God this morning as I pondered his goodness and mercy. Sixteen years ago, broken and beaten, cursing God, heading rapidly down the path that leads to destruction and in a moment He screams, "NO MORE!" He literally plucks me off the wide road that leads to destruction and places me on the narrow path that leads to life!
Did I deserve it? Absolutely not! Aren't I the one who ignored him? Aren't I the one who mocked him and those who followed him? O' how can it be, that this Righteous King would rescue me? I can't explain it, it's an astounding mystery.
In an instance I thought about how I treated those who mocked me. I thought how I treated those who hated me. It thought about how I treated those who were hopeless, desperate, in need. How I ignored them and cursed them. What a wretch, yet he chooses to use me, he chooses to anoint me, he chooses to love me.
I'm in awe as I think back to how I left this place I call "home". I'm in awe, when I think that God is showing his love through my mess. I'm in awe when I think of the families who sat in my living room last night, worshiping the King, praying for one another, talking about the hope of Glory. I'm in awe as I saw kids from a year old to 15 years old running around my yard playing the games I remember playing when I was young. Manhunt, capture the flag, O' the memories that filled my mind. O' the joy that met me last night!
I'm in awe when I ponder the fact that I did nothing to deserve this. I realized that he really does use the weak. I realized that he really can restore what has been broken. I realized that he really is a life giver! He really does give us ABUNDANT LIFE! Not because we deserve it, but because he loves to restore, he loves to heal, he loves to take the heap of rubble and make it a glorious statue! He loves to use the unlovable, the broken, the hurting, those that all have given up on. You see, his love remains when everyone else's love quits. He's amazing! Bless his name! Praise him in the sanctuary! Praise him with dancing! Praise him with the way you walk this earth! Praise him! Let everything that has breath Praise His holy name!
Psalm 127:3Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb, a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!
The above scripture is so true! Children are a reward, a gift from the hand of God. The other night we were at the house of a young single mom and we had the privilege of praying with her. She stated over and over, "I just want to be a good mom to him." Have you ever felt like you weren't a good parent? Either you got angry with your child, maybe you didn't give them the attention they needed, etc? I know, I have....
Before we began to pray for her one of the men who was ministering with us said something that struck me...He said, "Your son is God's gift to you." He said, "Every time you look at your son, God is telling you that he loves you. He gave you a precious gift, created and formed not only in the image of God, but also in your image. He looks like you, has the same eye color, hair color, body postures, etc." It's God's way of saying, "I love you so much that I want to produce more and more of you." Wow!
Well, maybe this was the reason I was thinking how much I wanted to bless not only my own children, but the children that God has put in our path. They are his gift to us, so shouldn't we cherish them? Shouldn't we take care of them? Shouldn't we protect them? Shouldn't we love them and be thankful for them?
I started to think about how nice it would be if we could bless the kids before school with a free backpack, school supplies, and possibly a haircut. I had a strong desire to bless the kids in our community and their families. I started talking to my wife and a couple of others about planning an event that would serve them.
Then, the Lord allowed me to find out about what April Comstock Jenison is already doing to bless our children. April is in fact "A Church Without Walls." She's bearing fruit in keeping with her faith. She's being a blessing and not a curse. She's caring for the family of God. I found out that on her own initiative and by God's prompting, she was gathering school supplies to hand out to the kids on August 17th in an effort to bless each child and family.
Immediately, I talked to my wife and we confirmed that we would come along side of April and the Jenison family and others to help accomplish the plan of God. You see God never intended for us to operate on our own, he intended for each of us to bear fruit and be ministers of the gospel, not just a "church pastor" or the "leaders" of the church. We all have a ministry! The ministry of reconciliation!
He desires for us all to bear fruit in keeping with repentance. April and her family are doing that, they are accomplishing the good work that has been prepared in advance for them to do. They are abiding in Christ, being the salt of the earth and a light in darkness.
Although, she won't be preaching on August 17th, she'll be sharing the love of God in demonstration, not only in word. What a blessing! What an awesome God that chooses to use us all, not just one! Although, we did not choose him, he chose us and appointed us to bear fruit, - fruit that will last.
Will you pray about helping April fulfill the call of God in this small way?
We are collecting backpacks, school supplies, etc to bless these precious gifts from the Lord.
Here I sit on Wednesday night, seeking God with a listening ear and a heart that's hungry to hear his voice, once again. The house is quiet, the kids are sleeping and my mind is racing. I start to pray and as I begin to worship God, the tears start to flow. I realize that I'm as desperate for his touch than I've ever been. I've been through the lows and I've stood on the mountain peaks. Through it all there is one thing I've learned...he's right there with me. Through every ounce of joy and every ounce of pain, he stands by me and he intercedes for me before the Father.
I realize in the moment that he'll never leave me nor forsake me and his right hand upholds me. I'm seated with Christ in heavenly places and nothing can separate me from his love. His love really does endure forever. Let me say it again...his love "endures." It never runs out, it never turns its back, it never gives up, it endures. It endures when I turn my back on him, it endures when I'm frustrated, it endures when I say something I wish I hadn't. It endures!
As I was praying tonight, I reflected on all that has transpired over the last week with the massive floods and the sadness that fills our region. I drove through Herkimer to see road crews working around the clock, I've witnessed our community coming together to help those in need. I've seen the homes that have been destroyed, I've seen the cars that stand under water, I've witnessed local businesses that are now deserted, due to the ruthless waters that rage through their stores. I see the pavement standing on end, in heaps of rubble and I realize the power of God as I ponder His Sovereign rule.
As I was praying for those affected by the flood and disaster, God revealed a precious jewel to me that encouraged me. As I sat there weeping, crying out to God for mercy, I remembered the scripture, "The fervent prayer of a righteous man has much power." So there I stand in the middle of my bathroom, eyes full of tears, heart full of hurt and a mind that has been battered by failed expectations. I begin to plead louder, begging earnestly, wrestling with God.
Then, I hear his still small voice. He calms me with his gentle whisper, he opens up the windows of heaven and looks down on me. As He calms me, I remember what I saw tonight on Barto Hill.
Each ray that shines through, declaring a testimony of his faithfulness. I realized in that moment that no road worker could remove this water, as I witnessed dump truck after dump truck extract mud from the roads. I pictured the strain and effort being exhausted by each worker, the long hours - night and day. I saw them as they were battered and bruised. One flagger looked like he would fall asleep leaning on his "Stop" sign as he directed traffic.
Then, I realized that it was the heat of the sun that was drying the ground, it was the hand of God that was pushing down the raging rivers. It's really true that although mourning may last for a night his joy comes in the morning. The sun shines effortlessly directed by the Majestic One as each worker labors intensely. He is the one who is holding the world together by the word of his power. The one who never gives up, never leaves, never walks away. He's the faithful One, even when we are faithless.
Then I remembered this picture:
I heard the Lord say, "The waters will cover the land, and soften the ground. They will revive what is dead and the desolate wasteland will be rebuilt. His Spirit is the water that softens the hard ground. It's the force that washes away the old and ushers in the new.
Then another picture entered my mind. For the last couple of years as I felt God calling our family to upstate NY, I remember literally saying, "God, that ground is too hard." I remembered others saying, "Herkimer County is a hard ground, many have labored here and there have been many fallen soldiers that have left, because the work was too hard." I remember praying with a lady not long ago, who mentioned in our prayer time that Charles Finney wouldn't come to Dolgeville because the spiritual ground was too hard. Then I remembered this picture:
What is too difficult for our God? He can break up the hardest ground with a flood of his Spirit. The thickest, hardest blacktop crumbles under His hand. No ground is too hard for Him, although it be hard for me. "Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord until He comes to rain righteousness on you... " Hosea 10:12
This is the God who takes a wretch and makes him clean. This is the One who looks at me when I'm constantly failing and says, "I love you, son." This is the one who set me free, this is the One who bore my sin, who took my place, who gave me new life, who sought me out, who sent his son, so that I could have abundant life. This God of wonder, this God of unexplainable love. The one who wipes my tears with his blood stained hand. The one who is majestic, holding me together.
What can stand in his way? What can complicate his plan? Who can stop his jealous love?
I hope you are experiencing the love and the grace of God in
tangible ways today. I wanted to provide
an update, as to some of the things that are going on with our family here in
NY. As you can imagine, with every move
there is a lot of work involved, so we have been consumed with cleaning,
painting, unpacking, etc. We’re anxious
to begin our journey here and we are excited about what God is going to do in
this small corner of the world.
My wife and I fully understand that we are in the beginning
stages of the work that God has for us here and we are excited, but neither of
us were prepared for the news we heard yesterday. I’d like to share it with you, as God
comforts us in knowing that we have heard his voice and we are where he wants
us to be.
About 3 weeks ago, I was speaking to my sister’s
mother-in-law, who lives just down the road from us. She was insistent that there was a man who
needed to speak with me, from Pine Crest Bible College. I wasn't opposed to meeting him, but I didn't
understand the importance of this meeting.
Needless to say, my sister’s mother-in-law approached me a couple more
times to see if I had heard from the man who wanted to meet with me.
One day, I was checking my mail at the Salisbury post office
and noticed that she pulled in the parking lot.
When she saw me, she handed me a little white piece of paper as she
said, “This is the man who wants to meet with you.” The paper read-“Pablo Molina.”
I found Pablo on Facebook and sent him a friend request. We began a short dialogue through instant
message and arranged our meeting. I met with
him yesterday (Saturday) at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria at Pine Crest Bible
In our meeting, Pablo shared a story of two brothers who he
remembered. The older brother was
my brother Greg who was tragically killed in 1994 in a train accident. I was the younger brother in the story. God used the death of my brother to save many
people in our family, but our family didn't know what happened to Greg. Listen to what happened, just a couple of
days before his death…
This was just revealed in its fullest form yesterday – 19 years
later. I believe God providentially stored this information for our return here. He is mighty to save! None of his work is in vain. It’s all for his glory!
What a great way to open this chapter of our
new journey. Obviously, this was 19 years ago so this is "based" on a true story. I've re-created the event according to the way I remember the pizza lab, how I remember my brother and combined it with what Pablo shared with me, so that you can understand what literally happened here.
God bless you!
It was April 1994, when Pablo turned over the key to the
fifteen passenger van that would soon escort him to Dolgeville, NY. Pablo was responding to the voice of God, as
he pulled out of the Pine Crest parking lot in route to the Pizza Lab in the Village
of Dolgeville.
It was at the Pizza Lab, that Pablo would minister the
gospel of Jesus Christ each Saturday night.
His heart was heavy for the youth that had wandered away from God, in
this small town. Pablo loved God and God
had given him a burden for this small town and the youth that lived there.
As he walked into the small pizzeria, he received many
glares from the troubled teens, who he was seeking to share the good news with
that night. As Pablo sat down, many of
the teens drifted to the back of the restaurant towards the game room, to stay
as far away from this preacher as possible.
Pablo felt their unwelcoming hearts, but knew that God had called him to
this small restaurant to bring hope to those that rejected him.
Pablo approached the counter and ordered the Pizzas’s
that he would share with the teens, in hopes that God would open a door for him
to speak into their hearts and encourage them.
Although, most times he would be rejected, mocked or made fun of for his
beliefs, occasionally he would have an opportunity to share the gospel with one
of these teens. He even had the
opportunity to pray with some of these kids at times. He knew that his work was not in vain.
The kids that he had an opportunity to pray with asked for
prayer regarding their home life, some struggled with drug and alcohol addictions;
some were exposed to physical and mental abuse, some lost parents to death,
some lost siblings, some came from broken homes. They were all good kids that had high hopes
for a future, but wandered from God and were lost.
As Pablo sat down at the booth that would ultimately become
his pulpit for the next two hours, he looked up and observed one of the two
brothers that would taunt him the most.
He thought these two brothers might be twins but he wasn’t sure, because
one looked older than the other. The
older brother stood at the counter in his long black trench coat, waiting for
the owner of the Pizza Lab to exchange his wrinkled up dollar bill for four quarters.
As he walked by Pablo’s table, a strong odor of alcohol
followed him as he hurried back to the game room. Pablo observed him handing the four quarters
to the younger brother that would eventually deposit the two quarters into the
pool table.
Pablo had heard that these two brothers liked to drink and that
they liked to fight. As a matter of fact,
the front of the Pizza Lab had become their boxing ring on Saturday night. They would drink, smoke marijuana and occasionally
use harder drugs and come to this place waiting for their opponent to be
exposed. Once exposed, the herd of teens
would flock to the front to watch the fist fight unfold. Many times, the local police would arrive and
separate the teens and send them home.
However, this Saturday night would be different. The purpose that Pablo was sent to this place
would be fulfilled tonight. The only
fight that would take place on this ground tonight would be the war in heaven
over one young man’s soul. This was a
special day and all the angels in heaven would be rejoicing over the one sinner
that would soon turn to the Lord.
As the light on the open sign went out, the group of teens
moved towards the front door. Each would
be dispersed to a different location.
Some would head home, some would walk the town, and some would drift to their
drinking or smoking spots.
Pablo cleaned up his table as he began to prepare to depart
towards his home. As he was cleaning up,
he noticed the older brother (from earlier) in the black trench coat, picking
up the pool sticks in the back room.
Pablo made eye contact with him and struck up a small conversation. As they moved towards the door, approaching
the small crowd that lingered in front of the Pizza Lab, Pablo began to dig
deeper into this young man’s life.
They continued their conversation outside for a while and
eventually they were the only ones standing there, as the crowd dissipated. The young man began to open up to Pablo,
sharing many of his struggles openly with him.
He didn’t know how to get out of the bondage that entangled him. He wanted to live rightly and he desired to
do well, but he didn’t know how. Pablo
shared the hope of Salvation with this young man. Pablo shared the gospel with him. Pablo told him that he could be a new
creation in Christ if he believed and that there was a way out of sin and
bondage. The “old man” full of anger,
hurt, and pain could die and the “new man” could be resurrected.
The young man wanted to be new, he wanted a hope and a
future, he wanted to be forgiven and cleansed from any bondage that had made
him a slave. The picture from heaven was
beautiful as Pablo led this young man to the Lord. The angels in heaven rejoiced as they
welcomed the soul of this once lost sinner, into the holies of holies. The Spirit of God was awakened in this brawler’s
life, as he whispered; “amen.” Heaven erupted
with singing and praise! He was
new! He was saved! He was a part of the holy family of the
King! He left that pizzeria a new man in
Pablo was excited about the opportunity the Lord had given him
that night. He hopped in his van with
his heart pounding, thrilled about the miracle God just performed. His heart was happy as he drove towards home. But the truth is, Pablo didn’t fully
understand the significance of this moment.
He didn’t fully understand how God would use this moment to impact a
person, a family and a whole community.
To be continued…
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Last night out on the streets of Norfolk we were reminded that God doesn’t
need a grandly prepared message, or an over-the-top prayer session. He doesn’t
need us to ‘do more,’ think better, or jump higher.
God desires us to be quietly faithful. Through our
faithfulness He makes us a light to the lost, a beacon of hope, the salt of the
Earth, and he gives us a message of life for a dying world. This is what we
experience when God is working through us, and through those around us. This is
what we experienced last night as we served the homeless.
Nick brought the grill and cooked the burgers and hotdogs
while people waited patiently in line. No big deal.
Kathy brought a large platter of fresh fried chicken that
was left over from an event she had been attending, along with some finger
food. She was just thinking of others.
While waiting for their food to be served Aaron was
encouraging folks. He was simply being a faithful friend.
Charles shared a Word with the group out of Isaiah and
brought everyone’s attention to Christ. It was simple, from his heart, not
formally prepared. Despite his apprehension to speak in front of crowds Charles
decided to be faithful to share what the Lord had on his heart.
Jeremy followed up the Word encouraging everyone to consider
what the Lord has done for us all. He merely stirred our hearts.
Laura’s Mom gave us two large boxes that were filled with blankets.
I almost put them in storage for next year but decided to bring them out. They
were all gratefully received.
Last night was a night of encouragement. Solom shared that despite
the odds, he will be moving into permanent housing if a few weeks. We had been
praying for doors to open for him and he gave all the credit to the hand of
David shared that his disability check was finally cleared
and that he will be able to afford a place to stay in the next few weeks.
Another good man getting off the streets.
Steve received a Bible from a friend who loves him.
Jason was particularly blessed by Charles’ Word and received
prayer for the struggles that he and his family are walking through.
Mike asked that we take some extra time with him next week
as he has some things that are important that he would like for us to hear.
It was very apparent last night that the Lord is working in
the hearts of those we serve.
There were many other things discussed and ways that folks
were encouraged. It was clear to us that God was glorified last night in our quiet
Let me encourage each of our readers to be quietly faithful.
To get up and do what the Lord directs. Pray, befriend, support, share, or encourage
‘the least of these’ that the Lord puts before you. God will do the heavy
lifting. He will change hearts, change lives, and change situations through
your faithfulness.
Tonight, I pray that I can communicate the power of the word
of God. My prayer for each reader is
that the God of glory would stir faith in your heart, as you seek to trust him
more. My prayer is that the Mighty One,
the one who is, who was and who is to come - my savior and sustainer, would
reveal himself through each word, that I write.
Who is like this Holy King?
Who or what can compare to his great love? What trial, what sickness, what trouble, what
broken relationship, what pain, can withstand his loving kindness or his steadfast
faithfulness? Nothing - I say it again -
Nothing can separate us from his great love.
He formed you in your mother’s womb and you are fearfully and
wonderfully made. No scheme of the evil
one can pluck you from his hand, if you are his and the very Spirit of the
Living God is holding you together, even now, regardless of what you feel or
You were created for his glory; you are being sustained even
now for his purposes and He won’t give up on you. He created you for him, and He will pursue you
until you are found. One who never
leaves you nor forsakes you, the one who numbers your days, the holy one of
Israel, and the one who willingly gave himself up, so you and I could be
free. No more shackles, no more chains,
freedom in Christ, no more pain.
Tonight, many of us gathered in downtown Norfolk, for our Saturday
night outreach. We partnered with New
Life Providence – Ghent Campus - and labored in love. Each person was so important; each person was
the hand and feet of Jesus Christ. I
arrived on the scene to witness many people laboring to make sure that our
homeless friends were treated as royalty.
I witnessed a man helping another man write a resume, I witnessed
another - from a staffing agency - interviewing my friends with hopes of
finding them steady employment. I noticed
another man working tirelessly over the grill, and a couple creating an
atmosphere of worship with their singing and strumming. Noah and I had the opportunity to drive
around the inner city and shuttle our friends -those with no ride - to the
event. I witnessed another man preaching
passionately. It was the love of God not
only in word, but in demonstration.
Meet my friend Richard.
Richard was brought to me at the end of the evening, and he was serious
about getting off the streets, tonight.
He was affected by the preaching and I could see God moving in his
heart. Richard confessed that he had
used all of his allotted nights at the Salvation Army and he was banned 2 years
ago from the Union Mission for getting in an argument with another resident. Richard was convinced that the Union Mission
wouldn’t allow him back in, but I was in faith that God would be merciful to
Richard. So… we hopped in the car and
drove towards the Union Mission.
It’s important that you know that it’s not often that once
you are on the banned list at any of the area shelters, you are allowed back
in, but tonight as Richard responded to the word of God, God was faithful to
his son.
We arrived at the front desk of the Union Mission, where we
were greeted by the receptionist. I
said, “Sir, I hope you’re doing well, and I’d like you to meet my friend
Richard. Unfortunately, Richard made a
mistake a couple of years ago here and has been placed on the “banned”
list. I understand that he violated the
rules and he understands that too, but we’re wondering if you’ll give him
another chance.” The man responded
without hesitation, “Well, we know who the King of Mercy is, so why wouldn't I
offer him another chance? I’ve been
given many chances in my lifetime.” He
was smiling as he responded. Richard
looked at me in shock. I smiled. J
I could tell Richard was totally not expecting this man to
let him in, especially so easily. He
waved me off to the side and said, “Can I talk to you?” He said, “Jimmy, I really appreciate you
bringing me over here and for going to bat for me here, but I’m not sure I can
respond right to authority and I don’t want to make you look bad.” I’m not that good with authority and I don’t
mean to sound harsh, but sometimes it comes across that way, even though I don’t
mean it. He said, he didn’t want to
stay, because he was afraid he’d make me look bad. I told the man at the desk, I needed to talk
to Richard and we’d be back. We drove
I said, “Richard, I really appreciate your honesty and your
ability to be able to recognize your flaws enough, that you would deny a place
to sleep tonight, to protect my reputation.
That’s commendable! I said, “I’ll
take you wherever you want, and I’m not upset that you don’t want to stay at
the Union Mission, tonight. He asked me
to take him back to where I picked him up.
As we were driving, I had an opportunity to share the gospel
with Richard. I told him that out of the
40 + people that we served tonight, God had his finger on him, specifically. I told him the story about the paralyzed man
who lay at the pool for 38 years, before he was healed and touched by God. My word to him was simple, “Do you want to be
well?” That’s what God wanted to ask
Richard tonight. I told him that “RIGHT
NOW” the past could be erased and he could be a new man in Christ. He said, “How can everything I’ve done be
erased, right now?” I said, “Richard,
don’t be like that man who laid at the
pool for 38 years crippled questioning how.”
God wants you to walk today, but he’s asking this question, “do you want
to be well” and you have to settle that first.
I said, “He’s already showing you that he’s erasing your
past and that’s why the man behind the desk at the Union Mission is letting you
in. The old has passed away, Richard!”
As we pulled up to the spot where I picked him up, he looked
at me and said, “Take me back to the Union Mission, I want to be well.” Jeremy preached about not questioning who God
is and he shared the story about the man who was drowning in the middle of the
ocean and was praying that God would send him a life boat. He explained how a boat pulled up, asking the
man to get in and offering help, but the man refused the help and said, “God
will save me.” Richard said, “This is my
boat!” You’re my boat, the Union Mission
giving me a second chance is my boat and I’m not going to miss it. J
In that moment, God’s word (Jeremy’s preaching) accomplished
its work. That word was the very word
that caused Richard to return to the Union Mission tonight. I dropped Richard off, prayed for him and
blessed him with a humble, meek spirit as he walked away.
He’s so awesome!
Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Pray for Richard tonight, please.
Jimmy Foster - I am "A Church Without Walls"
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Sharing God’s Love on Holy Saturday
The Saturday before Easter Sunday is often referred to as
‘Holy Saturday’ and what better way to celebrate our Savior than serving
A Church Without Walls joined hands with First Presbyterian
Church of Norfolk, New Life Providence Church, P.B. Young Elementary School,
The Young’s Terrace Community Center, St. Paul Methodist Church, St. Mark RZUS,
Granby High School, Trinity Presbyterian Church, a Home School group, and
Regent University to bless the Young’s Terrace Community with the love of
It’s truly amazing the blessings that can go forth when
believers join hands to serve. Bike repair ministry, bounce house, egg hunt for
the little ones, music, face painting, story telling, photo booth, raffle,
hotdogs, soft drinks, and on and on.
We shared the love of God first in service and then in Word.
It was a glorious afternoon as we gave over 400 people a healthy serving of
Christ’s love.
When we were leaving we saw children riding their bikes
through the neighborhood with their faces painted in glorious colors. One boy
who received a bike made a point of waving to us as we left and thanked us for
his bike. “That makes it all worth while,” Jimmy said as we pulled out of the
It was a perfect reflection of what ‘A Church Without Walls’
is all about, the children of God joining hands to bear fruit in the name of
Jesus. Today everyone involved produced fruit abundantly, just like Christ says
we will do if we are ‘in Him.’
"I am the vine, and you are the
branches. Whoever remains in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit... (John
Church Without Walls is open to proclaim the Word of God 24/7. It goes where
you go. It is Christ in you, being expressed by you, in your life, and to the
people that the Lord brings into your path – anytime and anyplace.
Festa, who lives in Martinsville, Virginia sent us this testimony of God’s
so me and my friend went to the streets of Roanoke. We went downtown and were
walking and met a man, I can't remember his name it was a name I don't think I
have heard before. My friend approached him and asked if we could pray for him.
He said he had just gotten out of jail a week ago and needed prayer. We prayed
for him and declared the word over him and just destiny. He became teary eyed.
I felt God said to ask if he'd ever accepted Christ as his Savior, he was kind
of unsure. So my friend and I prayed for him to receive Christ. It was
awesome, but one of the most awesome parts is when we prayed with him and he
prayed to accept Jesus. It snowed!! It only snowed while he accepted Christ! I
was reminded in that moment of the scripture Isaiah 1:18 “though your sins are
like Scarlett I will make you white as snow.” So we had God confirm his word
with a sign and wonder.
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. (1 Corinthians
4:20 HCSB)
Jon Festa is in the vine and bearing fruit in keeping with
his faith – and heaven celebrates. Thank you Jon for your faithful commitment
to Christ and for being ‘A Church Without Walls.’
Send us your testimonies of how the Lord is working through
you and we will be glad to share your testimony with others.
Jimmy delivered a powerful word on the streets tonight as he
recounted the story of the blind man that Jesus sought out, put spit and mud on
his eyes, and then told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam.
Why was he blind his disciples had asked, supposing it was because
of the sins of his parents.
Jesus corrected their thought patterns, explaining to them
plainly that it was not about anyone’s sin, but so that the glory of God might
be displayed
When the man washed the mud off he could see. He was blind
from birth but now, for the first time in his life, he could see.
It was impossible. No one had ever been healed of blindness
from birth.
After Jimmy finished preaching this message we were all
encouraged that we had each been anointed with spiritual ‘mud’ on our eyes.
That we too are blind until Christ opens our eyes so that we can see our sin,
and His righteousness. We were encouraged to go before the Lord this week and
wash away the mud on our eyes in private before the Lord and we were assured
that the Lord would meet each of us as we believed on His name.
As we were wrapping up a young man said as he was walking
past, “Yeh, if God loves me why don’t he give me a dollar?”
I stopped from addressing the crowd and asked what he needed.
“I need food, I haven’t eaten all day so why don’t he give me food?” he replied
I told him there was food right across the street on our table,
but I wasn’t aware that it was all gone by this time. When I found out I took him
to Taco Bell (his choice) and while he ate we had an in depth discussion about God
and the Word. At one point we were even quizzing each other on our Biblical knowledge
and I found out that this young, broken 24-year-old man knows a lot of
scripture – Chapter and verse.
I was able to encourage him in the Lord. I told him that he
had a call on his life. That he had a unique gift in memorizing scripture and
that he should pursue the Lord and inquire as to who Jesus really is in his
I have learned on the streets that even those who are
mockers are hearing and are able to respond to the Word of the Lord, and that
they are often times ripe for being ministered to.
Blessings to you too, and may the Lord wash the mud from
each of our eyes that we might see Him more clearly.
I don’t know about your family, but when my family gets
together it is a blast. Tonight we had a family reunion on Starke Street in Norfolk, and it was a happening place to say
the least.
Tonight we came with food, but there were so many people
that we ran out in the first hour, so we went to Wendy’s and got 50
cheeseburgers to go. The lady at the window made me pull up to make sure it
wasn’t a prank and when I told her we were serving the homeless they double-timed
the order and blessed me as I left. The burgers disappeared in a matter of
We also had chips, granola bars, coffee, and an assortment
of clothing. The nice thing was that we had so little to pack up when we left
Early on a man asked Jimmy if he had an extra Bible like the
one Jimmy carries; thin, flexible leather bound. He told him he didn't have
one, but that he would try to remember to get him one and bring it next week.
About 30 minutes later Kathy Allen placed two thin leather bound Bibles
on the table to be given away.One was
brown like Jimmy’s, and the other was pink.Jimmy told Kathy that a man was asking for one just like it and then
walked over to him and said, "God heard your request, and provided this Bible
for you." The lady sitting next to him asked if he might have another one?"
He gave her the pink one. I would have been enough to see these folks longing for God's Word, but God steps further and provides for those who ask. He knows our
needs even before we open our mouths.
After that a man named Tony came and declared that ‘God is
so good.’ He told the story of how God delivered him from an alcohol addiction
and he knew it was God.He had tried
Alcoholics Anonymous but it did not work for him so in his desperation he cried
out to God and God heard his cry. This homeless man was so excited about God
and how He had blessed him so much.He
said a man gave him a small car.Then he
needed something fixed on the car and someone else gave him the money without
him even asking. He was so grateful to God. Not only is God moving on the hearts of these people, folks are recognizing the hand of God and giving Him the glory!
Last week we asked Patrick, a homeless man who Jeremy is discipling, to prepare a
Word to share this week. He came prepared and shared a message on patience. He
explained how Job and others patiently waited on God, and how we must do the
same, no matter our situation. He spoke to the situations that he knew people struggled with on the streets and shared his testimony of how God opened a door to provide him a job at 7-Eleven. A job at 7-Eleven was a huge thing and we honored God for His faithfulness. The people on the streets respect Patrick and
many gathered around to hear the Word.
As a result of hearing the Word another man confessed to struggling with
alcohol, and that he was depressed because his mother is suffering with severe
Alzheimer’s disease. Tears rolled down his face as Kathy, Jimmy, and I prayed blessings over this man. The power of the Holy Spirit was palpable.
I prayed for a woman who came from Spain to bury her mother and through various circumstances found herself homeless on the streets of Norfolk.
Kathy and Jaylene blessed us all with worship songs, Debbie
gave Susan her sweater, and Noah blessed people with sodas tonight.
Every Saturday night is a great family reunion. We have
food, fellowship, and share the Word of God. What could be better?
We pray God’s rich blessings over each of our readers.
‘A Church Without Walls’ Ministry was started as a result of
prayer, and we continue to see God working powerfully as we continue to press
into our relationship with Christ Jesus in times of prayer.
Our prayer meetings are usually held at my house on Sunday
mornings leaving plenty of time for everyone to attend their churches. This
Sunday the Lord met us in a particularly powerful way. It was encouraging and
motivating to our hearts.
A pastor friend met with me recently to share a word about
the Lord giving me the ability to reach into His storehouse, the very
storehouse of the Lord, and take from the ‘shelves’ and apply it to the needs
that the Lord revealed to me. I have taken that word very seriously and look to
our Father in faith that it will be done even as we ask of Him.
At the prayer meeting it was noted how many of the people we
serve on the streets have no vision for their lives. One man in particular’s sole
desire was for a place to stay and cable TV. Jeremy encouraged the brother that
God has so much more for him than just cable TV. It was a pitiful vision so we began
to pray for him and the others on the streets that God would increase their
vision for His purpose in their lives.
As we prayed I reached into the storehouse of heaven and
took from the shelf the very spiritual balm that dropped the scales from Saul’s
eyes and by faith applied it to our friends on the streets, that they might see
the Lord and His goodness clearly.
Then the Lord had us apply the balm to our own eyes. We were
convicted that we too had much too small a vision for what the Lord wants to do
in our own lives and with this ministry. We were settling for spiritual cable
TV when the Lord has so much more for those who ask. The word came forth to ask
big things because our God is much bigger than we have allowed ourselves to
understand. By faith I applied the balm to my own eyes and the eyes of those
who were praying.
It was a powerful time before the Lord. We prayed for the
folks on the streets by name. We asked for healing, we asked for vision, we
asked for hope, and jobs, and for the grace of God to be upon us all.
I do not want to forget to tell you about Saturday night on
the streets as well. Despite the ‘reasonable temperatures,’ it was another
evening that was biting cold. I don’t know how these people survive on the
streets on nights like this.
On the way there Jimmy had a discussion with his seven year
old son, Noah, who was discouraged because he didn’t have a job to do since it
was too cold to pass out sodas. They asked the Lord to give Noah a job tonight
as he served on the streets with us. Before the night was over Noah had given
his knit cap to a woman who was cold. The Lord gave him opportunity to serve
Him sacrificially tonight and Noah stepped in and did so without having to be
prodded or told what to do. At seven years old Noah is already producing fruit
in keeping with his faith. Glory to God.
Jeremy preached a powerful word on forgiveness and I could
see in the eyes of the people that surrounded him that this was a massive ball
and chain around the ankles of so many on the streets. He shared the story
about one of the men on the streets that he disciples and how he had forgiven a
person in his life. This man’s testimony reminded me of the Pilgrim’s Progress
as he described the burden that was lifted from his back the moment he had
extended forgiveness.
One man, who had been drinking, cried before the Lord and
thanked us for the encouragement saying through tears that sometimes
he just needs an encouraging word to get him through the week. We gathered
around him and declared by faith his power over his addictions in the name of
Jesus and the freedom that awaited him in Christ.
I’ve come to realize that the Lord always moves in power,
whether subtle or overt, but always in power. He moves in the lives of the
children, the stricken, the faithful, and even in the hearts of those who
oppose Him.
Finally, just a reminder that all are welcome to serve, or
to come to our prayer meetings. God will work powerfully through you as you
serve others in His name. You will be surprised at the amount of fruit you will
produce as you remain in Him.