Greetings Friends,
What I'm about to share with you is an amazing testimony of the faithfulness of God. I'll start by telling you that about 2 months ago, while we were ministering to the homeless in downtown Norfolk, I met a young girl named Larrisa. She's 22 years old and she's been homeless - on and off - for the last couple of years. She has been in and out of "Foster Care" since the age 7. I often invite some of my homeless friends to our church on Sunday and I pick them up in our van. One Sunday morning, when I arrived to pick them up, Larrisa was there and she went to church with us. I learned quickly that Larrisa has an amazing voice and is an exceptional singer. She has a high school diploma and is a certified nurse aid. I have been pleading with the Lord, asking Him to give me the heart of Christ and cause me to see people as He sees people. I've asked Him to grant to me a heart of anguish for the lost and the hurting and I believe that He has answered my cry.
I believe the Lord allowed me to see Larrisa through His eyes. I saw a beautiful girl, with many talents and a long life ahead of her to use for the glory of the Lord. I was immediately drawn to her and was moved with compassion for her. I came home and told my wife and she too felt a special draw towards her. Well, the following week I went back down to minister in Norfolk and was informed that Larrisa was arrested on an old warrant and was in the Hampton jail. I immediately felt moved with compassion and just knew that I had to pursue this young lady. Here was an opportunity to obey the word of the Lord and "visit those in prison." I went inside the Social Service building and spoke with the security guard who informed me that she was in the Hampton jail, but I didn't know her last name. The guard allowed me to look at the list they had on file, of anyone who has stayed in the shelter. I was able to find out her last name that night, so I called the jail and asked if they could let me know when visiting hours were. They informed me that in order for me to visit her, I would have to be added to her visitor list. I felt a sort of desperation and questioned if the Lord meant for me to really pursue her. I started to pray and ask God to help me understand His will in this situation. I felt led to call the jail again and just be 100% forthright with the deputy. I informed her that Larrisa wouldn't really know me that well and I had been ministering to her. She said, "Why don't you write her a letter and ask her to add you to her list?" I smiled and knew immediately that's what I was supposed to do, so I wrote Larrisa a letter and asked her to add me to her visitor list, so I could come see her.
About a month went by and I never heard from Larrisa. I found out later that she has seizures and was transferred to the Hampton Medical Jail. After not hearing from her, I decided that it must not have been the will of the Lord for me to connect with her. One Monday night, while I was working on the homeless shelter, I received a call from Laura and she was full of excitement. She said, "Jimmy, you're never going to guess who called." I said, "Who?" She said, "Larrisa!" I was amazed and began to ask God how to proceed. I thought this door was closed, but I knew that the Lord gave me a heart for this girl and I knew immediately, he did this for a reason. Larrisa called back the next night, because I wasn't home when she called and she told me that she had received my letter. She added me to her visitor list and I went to the jail the next night, to speak with her. When I arrived at the jail, the deputy at the desk said that I wasn't yet added to the list and I wasn't able to see her. I informed the deputy that she added me, but the deputy informed me that there was a process and it may take a couple of days to go through. I turned away wondering why this door wasn't opening. The next night I received a call from Larrisa and to my surprise, she had been released from jail. I was caught completely off guard, but knew it was my time to act. I told her to call me back in 30 minutes as I wanted to talk to Laura.
After I hung up, I approached Laura and informed her that Larrisa was out and had no where to go. It's true...I went and picked her up in Hampton and brought her home. I must confess this was very difficult, but I read Isaiah 58 about a "true fast" and God gave me peace. Since then, I've witnessed the Lord's power in Larrisa's life. It's been amazing to see what God is doing for this one He calls His daughter. I won't continue to tell you all of the details, but I would like to share with you something the Lord showed me. It's crazy how the Lord is revealing Himself to me through this whole process. I'm hearing from the living God, as plain as day and it's awesome. His sheep know His voice! This is true.
Although, Laura and I took Larrisa into our home, we had a couple of struggles and things we weren't quite sure how they would work out. First, Laura is about to give birth any day. We knew this could present us with a challenge. We wanted to be faithful to the voice of the Lord and we both believe that we heard his voice clearly, but have to admit that it seemed difficult to have a complete stranger in the home, when she was going to be recovering from having the baby. Also, we are renting a house and per our contract we are not allowed to have anyone living with us for more than two weeks. Again, we felt like we heard the Lord, but couldn't help to think about these two things in particular.
I have been taking Larrisa to our Church and she especially likes "Awake," which is our young adult ministry on Thursday nights. Well, two Sunday's ago we were all at our Sunday worship service and three different ladies went to the microphone and gave prophetic words. I heard a loud weeping, sobbing sound and looked over and noticed that Larrisa was weeping bitterly. Our pastor had an alter call in the middle of the service, as it was evident that the Holy Spirit wanted to do something. Without hesitation I grabbed Larrisa's hand and we walked to the front. The amazing thing is, that this week I picked up Larrisa's sister and her cousin and they were there with us. Well, when Larrisa and I arrived to the front she was met by a faithful prayer warrior named Sandra. Sandra prayed for her and it was a powerful moment. The Holy Spirit was releasing healing into Larrisa and each tear that dropped was full of pain and hurt. We stayed at the alter and worshipped for a moment after praying and then we returned to our seats. When we returned I noticed that Lakira and Kiki - Larrisa's sister and cousin were gone. I leaned over and asked Laura where they were and she informed me that they too went to the front. God was up to something. :)
After the service was over, I felt led by the Spirit to go approach Sandra. Laura and Larrisa went to get the children and I approached Mrs. Sandra. I asked Sandra if I could have Larrisa call her if she ever needed someone to talk to and of course she said yes. But, she also informed me that there was a lady in the Church that was the Director at a Women's shelter in Norfolk. She gave me her information and I spoke to her that week. To my surprise there were 2 open beds and Larrisa went to an interview this past Wednesday. She moved in on Thursday! Isn't God good! Here's the crazy part, Thursday marked the "two week" mark and we were able to honor our rental contract, in which we really wanted to do. The Lord was not only caring for Larrisa, but he was also caring for us as Laura and I prayed about the concern of having a new baby and also, honoring our contract.
Here's what the Lord showed me on Friday that blew my mind. If the 3 ladies didn't obey the voice of the Lord and go to the front of the Church and give the prophetic word they were given, I wonder if Larrisa would have been broken in the way that she was. I wonder if Sandra wasn't faithful to the voice of the Lord to pray for Larrisa, if I would have ever went up and talked to her at the end of the service and found out about the transitional home. I wonder if I had not listened to the voice of the Lord and not approached Sandra after the service, if Larrisa would be safe in a home today. The Lord knew who would obey him and he has entrusted the Kingdom to those who are faithful.
Today after Church, our family and new homeless friend Jermaine, were able to celebrate Larrisa's belated birthday and celebrate her new home at Atlas Pizza. One thing I remember clearly is one day when I was talking to Larrisa, she told me that she just wanted to be a child again. Her last birthday party was at age 7. She's now 22 and we were able to celebrate new life today! She's seeking to grow closer to the Lord and she is a new creation in Christ. My God is faithful, so faithful!
To Him be the glory forever and ever! Amen!